ANN K IN MEME LAND: move over, reason; make room for the shock of recognition

During the past several weeks, I’ve drifted from trying to comprehend something I notice in the culture via various perspectives, etc., to simply putting out memes. Likewise, I’ve shifted from attempting to supply adequate context for anything I’m trying to get across, to assuming the context, via a meme. Moreover, rather than associating a number of seemingly disconnected issues/ subjects/events with each other in various ways, I’m resorting to memes.

Which is why I’m using the moniker, “If you know you know” to signal another meme download. Either you “grok” it, or you don’t. Either you’ve been immersed in the same cognitive/emotional collective soup as me, or you’ve been somewhere else.

Is this because the world has drifted into such chaos that’s there’s no sense trying to make good clear sense of anything? Something like that. Think on it: within the past few years, the word “narrative or “narrative thread” has penetrated the public discourse. As if some are true, and some are false. Yet, any “reality” of any kind can be described by an infinity of “narratives,” in the sense that this causes that which causes that, after that, etc. A linear line, or chain, of causes. In any space, even a supposedly bounded, closed space, is not the number of points (dots) connected to lines, threads, that can be posited within it, infinite?

In other words, no matter what we say about anything, an infinite number of other ways of seeing it is possible — infinity upon infinity, as the context widens.

But what is “true” you might ask. I’m asking the same thing.

Yesterday, I discovered a meme that blew my friggin’ mind. So stark, so accurate. How do I know? I just do. Is this because my old dogmatic fundamentalist (unevolved Sagittarian) tendency has risen its ugly head again? Maybe. Or maybe not. Don’t ask me. Ask my dog. He tends to have more trust than I do in following where his nose will lead.

Here’s that meme:

I was so impressed, the meme moved me so much, that I went to artist Bob Moran’s website —

— where he speaks of his art works as “cartoons.”

Well, okay, we could call them that. But they strike me more as memes, conveying a complex, and in his case, very serious reality.

Here’s another, re: our new King Chucky, as clif high calls him.

Then there’s this one, conveying so many realities, oops, no, agendas, at once, that once again I’m blown away.


Aha! So Bob Doran is also the author of this next meme/cartoon, which I saw some time ago. Look at the various sections of this guy’s cemented-in brain. These themes all still extant, despite Resident Buy-den apparently going off script recently, by saying the pandemic is over.

Needless to say, I signed up to receive updates. Thank you, Bob Doran, for helping me stay centered in an insane world. As Gertrude Stein is said to have said, “I write for myself and one other stranger.” In other words, if I know that there’s at least one other person who sees the world somewhat in the same manner, then I’m NOT crazy.

3 thoughts on “ANN K IN MEME LAND: move over, reason; make room for the shock of recognition

  1. Good move Ann . . . Bob Moran’s images put truth to the adage that certain images are ‘worth a thousand words’.

    Thanks much for the introduction to his site.

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