Annular “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse TODAY! Do we react? Or do we respond?


Reaches maximum at 1:55 PM EDT. We’re going to create a little altar, and do a half-hour meditation here from 1:30 on.

If you want to know more about this precursor to the Total Eclipse April 8, 2024, I suggest Laura Bruno’s posts and video on the subject.

To me, what’s crucial to realize is the following:

  1. During a solar eclipse the Moon blots out the Sun. The emotional, subconscious Moon, that for each of us carries acknowledged and unacknowledged memories of hurt and pain, tends to spur reactions rather than responses to events, blotting out the Sun, that part of us that is conscious and aware.
  2. This solar eclipse, this unusually powerful New Moon, new beginning, occurs in the sign of Libra, the sign of equality. Each of us as an Aries individual, is equal to every other person. We are created equal, every human on the planet. Moreover, each of us can partner with, and thus function as, a conscious or unconscious Libra mirror for the equal Other — either consciously, with Love as we graciously and gently reach across the space between us, or unconsciously, in Fear, as we project or repress anger, hurt, fury, revenge, bitterness, i.e., reactions from past events, remembered or unremembered.


That this eclipse occurs during unusually horrific mutual slaughter of Israelis and Palestinians, is telling — with each “side” full of horrible unprocessed memories from the deep past, projected upon the other. . .

I set the chart for Washington D.C., as it can easily be argued that this so called hyper-power government is the biggest baddest bully on the planet.


How can we each look the other in the eye, when we are capable of such atrocities?

We cannot. Unless we are willing to recognize and honor the suffering/deeply sensitive soul within self and other.


My meditation on daily walks: see myself as  a being integrated within the natural world. Like squirrels and birds and foxes and rabbits, we all have our place and function, and were it not for our conscious/unconscious mental connection, we humans would also feel totally at home.

Let us honor this all-so-human Libran Sun/Moon, conscious/unconscious connection, for it serves up continuous lessons in the dynamic between equality and individuality, over and over and over again, thus utilizing the memories of the subconscious Moon to continuously expand the conscious awareness of the Sun.


Sabian symbol for 21°07 Libra (22°): A CHILD GIVING BIRDS A DRINK AT A FOUNTAIN

Mark Edmund Jones has this to say about 22° Libra:

This is a symbol of man’s uncompromising faith in the friendly relationships characterizing the world at larbe, or of his naive optimism as he finds tht he can take advantage of one or another of life’s opportunities whenever he chooses to do so. Here is self-fulfillment in the discovery that there are always the fruits of everyday to justify the simple fact of selfhood, and that there are also the responsibilities which provide a consummation for the ideals and the inner nature. The keyword is SOLICITUDE. When positive, the degree is the creative concern for others by which any individual comes to experience his own immortality, and when negative, superficial effort for transient popularity.

That this eclipse occurs sandwiched between Mercury (17°) and the south node (past karma), indicates, for me, that we need to begin to authentically, communicate, soul to soul, with anyone we reflexively consider “the Other” if we are to see our way forward without blowing up the whole world.

Mars, having now passed into Scorpio, offers plenty of deep emotional energy for this connection.

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