Apparently, I’m “Jewish . . .”

What? How could I be “Jewish”? My hair when young, was blond, my eyes still blue. Aren’t I Aryan instead, German?

Well, maybe one side of me, the Kreilkamp side? Or is this true. Maybe even my paternal Grandma K was “Jewish,” given that her maiden name was “Blum.” Is that Jewish? I have no idea, but have been told it is. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that my mother was Jewish, her name “Rosenberger.” That’s what counts, the maternal line. Oh?

I’d heard that, but I ignored it, even when I discovered that my Mom never met her own grandparents, even though they lived in the same Minnesota town! That Mom’s mom had banished her own parents, due to their being Jewish.

Ye gods. What is all this division, hiding, secrecy? Stupidity? It’s sure not new, is it.

My own “Jewishness” got outed (for sure?) some decades ago, when my then brother-in-law caught my parents off-guard. They were eating lunch in the facility provided by their elder care facility. All of a sudden, John turned to Dad, and said, “Hey Ben, I’ve been doing some geneaology on Renee’s side of the family. And it appears they are Jewish!”

By this time in her life, Mom was “out of it,” her increasing dementia releasing her from hearing and having to respond. But Dad? He was another story. Guardian energy intact, he looked at John, intently, and then muttered, loudly: “So? So what?!”

Mom’s maiden name was Rosenberger, so yes, likely Jewish, I hear.

Interesting fact: I can remember, growing up, going to my Mom one day in 1953 (I was 11), seeing the execution of the Rosenbergs in the news. Ethel Rosenberg was said to have been Jewish. I asked Mom: if Rosenberg is Jewish, isn’t Rosenberger Jewish too?” “No, no,” she hushed me right down. Apparently, that little “er” at the end made all the difference. Mom was NOT Jewish. Get that?

I haven’t bothered to do my geneology, and really, I don’t care. But I do find it interesting that the whole “Jewish” question keeps on popping up, front and center, over and over again, ever since I was a kid, and yeah, I know, way way before.

What does it even “mean” to be Jewish? Some think it’s to have “semitic” blood, whatever that is. Don’t know. Haven’t ever “checked.”

Some say it means to be God’s “chosen” people, as in the Bible. (So, apparently, always victimized by others, who are jealous?)

But what is the bible, but a silly book written by human beings? Or maybe I should say, which Bible? Which version? And Old Testament or New?

I confess: I’ve never read the “Bible,” and don’t ever plan to, aside from what was it, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.”

Oh really? Whose god? Which god. Aren’t there many so-called gods, each one designed to make those who comply with their “orders” slaves?

And then there are my “Jewish” friends, both near and far, from now and times past, even one husband, my dear Jeff Joel, who had mastered upwards of 30 languages, but whose own Dad refused to let him learn Hebrew when young. Why? Why did his own family deny their Jewishness? Whatever that means?

As for Israel, that strange, potent little “nation” that was, apparently, claimed for “the chosen ones, Jews,” and ripped from those who lived there? Israel. Surrounded by “enemies.” It’s as if deliberately “they” set up Israel’s location to be a continuing flash point for conflict, for war, forever!

All three Abrahamic “religions,” what are they but mind-controlled “sects” of one kind or another, set up to hate and kill each other forever? Or to “learn to get along.”

One state? Two states? Which is it to be?

And what’s this about 89 people in congress and senate have “dual citizenship” with Israel? Did the Mossad have cameras set up on Epstein’s island for the purpose of blackmail? Does Israel control the US Gov? Not the first to ask.

But then October 7, last year. One year and one day from today. When, apparently, some in Israel set up their own citizens to be captured and killed by Hamas and thus drum up false flag bloodlust for yet another genocidal war, ongoing, and that the Biden administration helps to finance. What’s the death count now? 

What’s with everybody these days? When will our species grow up? When are we going to see through various mind-controlled dogmas that continue to capture so many in their hungry maw? When are we going to see through the military industrial banking complex that profits off both sides of any war?

I decided to write this post when I saw this wordy meme, which I can barely read, the text is so small. Nor do I care to bother to read it. To “figure it out.” But I do know it purports to give the history of “Israel,” and/or of “the Jews,” on and on. Yuck.


Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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