ASTROLOGY: Alex Jones finally meets Roseanne Barr in person . . .

. . . and its a mutual love fest as two of most hated/loved figures in the world speak about what’s really goin’ down.

Please, please, please! tune into at least the first fifteen minutes of the video below, from yesterday, where, like me, you will be introduced to perhaps what is the most extraordinary indication of “The Great Awakening” yet, as Alex Jones, a public figure used to being bombarded by both those who love him and who hate him encounters ONLY love on a getaway trip with his family. Plus, it’s hard for him to pay anything for food, because he keeps being gifted with whatever he wants to pay for! A continuous experience of individual and collective gratitude coming at him on streets, in restaurants, hotels, at airports, by travelers from all over the world.

Alex Jones has been right all along, remember, as more and more people now recognize — even though, yes, it’s hard to tolerate his contentious interruptions and rants (see his chart below). Roseanne, once they do meet in person, hardly even notices. She just loves him, because she says, she knows she can trust him, so she can say whatever’s on her mind without being judged crazy. Before they meet, he plays a clip of her on stage recently which, when I watched it a couple of days ago, left me slack jawed with astonishment. So remember: watch at least the first 15 minutes or so.


Alex Jones Meets Roseanne Barr

I loved their connection so much I decided to look at their charts. Knew they would both be stubborn, contrarian, large-minded, and able to handle whatever comes at them. But what energies were they invoking, individually and together?

BTW: Alex Jones, now that he’s met her in person wants her to come back on, again and again. What a powerhouse intergenerational couple (Roseanne, Pluto in Leo; Alex, Pluto in Libra) to continuously detonate our Great Awakening!


Alex Jones

February 11, 1974, Dallas Texas. Don’t have his birthtime, so I set it for noon. But I do think, given his bulldog build, and his stubborn persistence, that his Ascendant IS Taurus . . . and that pugnacious Mars, also in Taurus, sits therefore in the first house of his persona, what he shows to the world. Plus, in terms of transits, notice that Pluto, which haas been transiting late Capricorn during these years, also then transited his 25° Capricorn Venus (symbolizing values, including money) and possible (I’d say probable) 27° Capricorn MC — which correlates with his Sandy Hook “defamation” trial and order to shell out one billion dollars — all this during 2022, when primal, death/rebirth Pluto was transiting back and forth over that 27th degree.


So: Bulldog Taurus Ascendant. Mars in Taurus nearby, first house; he can take whatever “they” try to throw at him and come up swinging . . . Sun/Jupiter in mental, collective Aquarius (he’s been thinking big about all of us all these years), trine Moon/Uranus in late Libra (he hates to interrupt, so much does he value relationship; but: he just can’t help himself!), trine Saturn in late Gemini (facts). So: a harmonious grand trine in air, involving both Sun and Moon: expansive, lucky, generous with his time and his mind (Sun/Jupiter in Aquarius) trine mental, focused Saturn in Gemini, trine volatile and surprising Moon/Uranus in Libra.  He’s essentially on this planet to help us figure it all out, and nothing, NOTHING stops him.

Notice his Mercury in Pisces closely squares Neptune in Sagittarius: he is a dreamer, a visionary, and he admittedly can “make mistakes,” i.e., be deceived, at times.

For a more esoteric look, notice that his North Node is at 26° Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center. His dharmic path is to channel Big Truth (Sagittarius) i.e., large, ever expanding perspective, buttressed by Gemini facts (karmic South Node and Saturn in Gemini) from the very center of the Milky Way galaxy.


Roseanne Barr

November 3, 1952, 1:21 PM, Salt Lake City, UT

Another indefatigible powerhouse, with a savvy, power-oriented Scorpio Sun opposite steady, determined, expansive Jupiter in Taurus. Notice, her Sun/Jupiter opposes and conjuncts his Mars.

Like Jones, her chart features both fact-oriented Gemini and big-picture Sagittarius.

Her Moon in Gemini, curious, wanting facts. Moon opposite Mercury in Sagittarius: wanting to put the facts into perspective. Venus nearby, loving this mental reach.

Aquarius Ascendant: Like Alex, she is a contrarian Aquarian individualist oriented towards the larger cultural order, mental, group consciousness. Ascendant square Sun: cooperative tendencies of Aquarian Ascendant get foiled emotionally by hidden Scorpio power trips (from/with others or herself, depending on her level of awareness).

Note what happened to her renewed “Roseanne” series on TV when she was called a racist. They cancelled her and changed the name to the “The Conners.” All this in 2018, when transit Pluto reached her hidden (12th house) Mars in Capricorn.

What especially interests me here is that Roseanne is a member of that very special sub-generation born during 1952-53, which featured an outer planet configuration of Saturn/Neptune in Libra square Uranus in Cancer. These people are ones who unconsciously long for peace in family and other personal relations, and yet endure/enjoy lifelong dramas having to do with volatility in that same area of life.

(Here’s one way this drama can (at least temporarily) resolve successfully: picture Thanksgiving dinner with family, including ex-husband, ex-wives, etc. Nobody left out!)

When I lived in Jackson Hole for 21 years (a 1/4 cycle of Uranus, a 3/4 cycle of Saturn), most of my female friends were born during those years and all of them went continuously through dramas that featured pushing the envelop (Uranus) regarding (Saturnine) traditions involving friends and family. That is their evolutionary call as a generation, and, it turns out, Roseanne’s TV “Roseanne” was the perfect exemplar of that call, both in its original iteration and in the attempted, but failed reunion. “Roseanne,” as the contrarian figure both times, busy stirring up stuck traditional family relations.

Not surprising! Because Roseanne not only is a member of that generation, but, let me repeat: the position of her very personal Mars in Capricorn creating a T-cross with her Sun/Neptune square Uranus renders family dramas very very pugnacious, even cantankerous, both fictional, on TV, and in her own family. And wouldn’t you know: when the second iteration of “Roseanne” blew up, primal/death/rebirtth Pluto was transiting her natal Mars, thus triggering tremendously that entire generational signature.

There’s more, of course, there’s always more, but let this suffice.



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