BAH HUMBUG! Lots of “reasons” for my sour attitude today, both close at hand and way out there. But . . .


After an unusually critical and vigorous primary season in this thoroughly Democratic, academic town, the mayoral candidate who garnered humongous money from developers won — handily! So did a number of city council candidates who are sure to polarize an already contentious council even further; not to mention dominate it! Among other mind-controlled topics, likely “climate change” will continue high on (our increasingly “smart”) city’s agenda . . .

Smart Cities = Enslaved Citizens

Here’s the clearest article I’ve ever read on the absurdity that fingers CO2 as the enemy.

CO2 is a blessing, not a curse

I remember calling out one of my permaculture teachers a number of years ago, asking him why rising CO2 was such an awful thing. He mealy-mouthed by way of answering, rather than clearly responding. (It reminds me of just how many permaculture teachers were all too willing to take the jab!)

Here’s what Greenpeace co-founder now thinks about “climate change.”

Have you ever felt all alone in this universe, rather than all-one with this universe? Well, today is one of those days. I am grateful for the number of candidates who did come out and attempt to get on our city council. And grateful for the thoroughly sane and seasoned candidate who chose to risk losing her long-standing seat on the council in order to run for mayor — refusing, unlike the winner, to take any corporate money — which means that, unfortunately, she’s now off the council, too. In fact, it looks like only two people on the upcoming council will have we the local people in their best interests. Or maybe I should say, will be actually sane. Because the more I ponder it, the more I see both climate change and woke (including trans) agendas as sheer insanity.

All of which made me wonder. Hmm . . . what’s the school system like here? Quick search, and of course, I come to this:


Back to “climate change.” Looked up Tucker Carlson’s attitude, and he’s one of the sane ones.

Remember back when we could tune into Tucker for a reality check on a daily basis? It felt good. We had no idea what kind of hole he would leave.

Solution? Go outside. Work with the soil, the plants, the insects, the animals, the trees. They are all-one with the universe, always. In all ways. Unlike humans, with our big, oh so “smart” dominant left brains that make up fictions to mask the natural world.

Oh, wait!




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