Am I the only one for whom things are getting crazier and crazier? No. It’s true for all of us.
Am I the only one for whom things are getting crazier and crazier? No. It’s true for all of us.
Hey folks, if you’re like me, you’re being extra-careful today. Full of care. Caring. Heart-centered. Aware. Awake. And Allowing. Whatever
What I most appreciate about the current breathtaking Trump/Elon blitzkrieg, its its sheer audacity. How dare Trump/Elon disrupt the uncomfortable
My older son Sean, who lives in Boulder Colorado, once again (he comes every six months), is here for one
While I’m not at all convinced that the various interconnected parts of the onrolling totalitarian takeover Cudenec depicts will actually
Check this out. Makes a LOT of sense. Why is Trump supporting Israel, AI & mRNA vaccines? An insightful answer!
I’m done dissing Trump. Consider it my own absurd megalomania to even begin to try to figure out what this
What in hell did Q mean by “Save Israel for last?” A nasty part of me wants to think that
As I go about the world, mostly on foot, I find myself more and more astounded by the extreme differential
If you are a subscriber, are you getting my posts? I just put one up this morning. One of my