But Who, REALLY, is Elon Musk?


Yesterday’s post was tongue-in cheek. This one is not.

I have commenter Mike Riesterer to thank for this utterly paranoid dystopian gem, a substack offering by “2nd Smartest Guy in the Room,” who says he’s “exposing psyops and scams.” But who is he? Why won’t this author divulge his real name?

Elon Musk Officially Takes Over Twitter

That substack offering sent me, somehow, to the Corbett Report, where I discover that Elon Musk has been on Corbett’s radar for some time. Here are two recent videos:

Meet Elon Musk: Technocratic Huckster

and the most recent:

James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk

Interview 1758 – James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk

Me: I’ve long thought that if anyone “human” on this planet is actually an ET, then it’s Elon Musk. He doesn’t seem to play by the same rules as others. To call him a “grey hat,” which many do, i.e., one who plays both sides of the same game, may come close to describing his operating mode. That he appears to be having great fun the whole time, working the edges, trolling his “enemies,” tends to drive people crazy! Is this intentional on his part? Does he want to be the object of their projections as “crazy”? In this way Muskl reminds me of Trump. Both sly foxes. But up to no good? That remains to be discovered, over time.

Me: That Elon Musk wants free speech, if indeed he does, is terrific. But if he also invites human/computer interface via “neurolink,” i.e., humans to be transmogrified into transhumanist, robotic AI via a brain chip, then what happens to free will? Without free will there is no free speech.  

On the other hand, here’s TruthHammer on Telegram, whose opinion I tend to trust:




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