Clif High: Covid Jab Retribution Begins by End of January

The actual word, “retribution,” was somewhat unfamiliar to me, until recently. You too?

Most of those in my immediate circle are jabbed. Since I’m around them, I’m jabbed too. Why? Because the vaccine “sheds.”  I know this from personal experience. In April 2021, a housemate had just gotten her first jab. Two weeks later, I cut my hand. When I put my finger on the cut, the blood stuck to the finger, pulling up like a jel. Blew my mind. Luckily, I had a natural healer at the time who knew how to mitigate the situation. Unfortunately, she has since died. Like me, she was unvaxxed, but was around lots of vaxxed patients. Died Suddenly.

Oh, and BTW: I never allowed myself to “get tested” either, as who knows what was on those pricks they stuck up the nose. This evil covid depop agenda was obvious to me, from its outset, because: 1) the covid “disease” supposedly blew up all of a sudden, everywhere, spoken of in the exact same way by official media sources; and 2) the official protocol to minimize exposure made absolutely no sense. One more F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) agenda to control the masses. And since most people are still, after three long years, not at all in touch with their own bodies, they are sitting ducks for whatever the evil ones decide to pull out next.

I do a daily protocol to mitigate the effects. Here’s one that Uncle Clif put out, back in 2021. I do that, and more.


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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