CONSIDERATIONS on the day prior to the December New Moon/Solar Eclipse

As the Sun moves midway through Sagittarius, that portion of the zodiac during which we are encouraged to view Gemini ephemera in this 3D world from afar, I really appreciate both the standard meanings, and especially, the etymology of the word “consider.” See below: Or, in short: CON-SIDER, i.e., ‘”con” (with) “the stars.” To see, from the point of view of the stars, the larger order.

In order for me to increase (at least tentatively trusted!) “sources” from which to gain an ever-expanding Sagittarian perspective, I have just subscribed to two new Gemini-ish sources, both on substack. This first one has just begun to put out a weekly list called “newsbites:”

The second source keeps track of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial which, despite apparently corrupted judge and Comey daughter as one of the prosecutors, IS already managing to give enough lurid Gemini details to shock awake at least some formerly “asleep” to the massive and extremely lucrative global network that uses child sex, trafficking, murder, adrenochrome etc. to blackmail and bribe all sorts of celebrities, politicians, entertainers, business and professional people at every level of society. Jeffrey Epstein’s famous little black book(s) are now on the table, according to Patriot One, who documents here, blow by blow, day four. (Subscribe button on same page.)

THE BLACK BOOK EMERGES: Day Four of the Maxwell Trial

Meanwhile, a friend sent me yet another creepy reverberation of the ominous word “Omicron” that is now being repeated, over and over again, like an incantation, in the latest flailing Big Media attempt to guarantee and even increase the Neptunian spell that has some large percentage of the world’s population still in thrall to “saintly” psychopathic Faux-ci and those who control and direct him. This one, unlike the others, is not an anagram.

Tomorrow, December 4, is the Sagittarius New Moon/Solar Eclipse. Since it follows closely the day when Neptune turned from retrograde to direct motion, on December 4, I’d say that the real ignition of the exposure and unrolling of webs of deceit and lies (negative, unevolved Neptune) coupled with new beginnings for visioning and compassion (positive, evolved Neptune) will surface with the New Moon’s new beginning tomorrow. And remember, transit Venus is still approaching Pluto, and by tomorrow, will conjunct Pluto exactly.

Laura Bruno offers a particularly inspired reading for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse.

3 thoughts on “CONSIDERATIONS on the day prior to the December New Moon/Solar Eclipse

  1. Thanks for the link. The really interesting thing that occurred to me is if we symbolically consider Ghislaine Maxwell to be Epstein’s “widow.” I find it SO synchronous that her trial just happens to be going on right now.

    I realize “Epstein didn’t kill himself” and probably isn’t even dead … but I keep noticing things like this — where the news items of the day reflect in eerie precision the Sabian Symbols and the complex array of transits.

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