Contemplating Biden’s Money Laundering


So, first we hear about Biden’s multiple locations of sloppily located classified docs.

See Sputnik News:

What Is Known so Far About Classified Docs Found at Joe Biden’s Home, Former Office


Rep Jim Jordan wondered about the docs, found, but not disclosed, prior to the election (of course!): why were they revealed now? Because Biden knew Jordan would go after him? Me: So wanted to get ahead of the story?

And why, he wondered, was it Biden’s personal attorneys who are looking for, and finding, the docs? Me: Are his attorneys turning on him? Is this part of an Democratic op designed to bring Biden down, now?

Then, we hear that son Hunter rented the house in Delaware where two of the doc piles were found.

And, that he rented the house for $49,941 per month.

And, that there are no visitor logs for this house.

So, says BioClandestine, we’ve likely uncovered a classified-doc laundering operation.

How the Deep State Launder Classified Docs


Or maybe it’s the more familiar money laundering operation. Hunter greets the visitors, allows access to the supposedly secured docs, in return for vast sums of money. Then, monthly, as has been their life-long practice, he gives a cut of the deal to the Big Guy: $49,941.


Money-laundering, something that still kind of bends my brain. I’m not used to people who obtain “dirty” money through illegal means and then “launder” it to the point where it looks clean. It’s not the world I live in.

(The recent SBF crypto-to-money laundering operation in Ukraine likewise bent my brain.)

Here’s a quick schematic:

The complexities of each of these stages can be multifarious:

The Three Stages of Money Laundering and How Money Laundering Works

Here’s some complex examples:


In fact, the schemes can be so fiendishly, monstrously clever and involved, that in order to ferret them out, in order to achieve a “AML” (Anti-Money Laundering) solution, AI is often utilized.

According to Investopedia:

So here’s where we get to what I want to know: we humans are so extraordinarily imaginative and creative, and yet why do we so often bend that creativity in the direction of deception and control? Just imagine the glorious world that would result when humans utilize their powerful imagination and creativity not to deceive others, but to cooperate with them.

It may be that this is possible only on a small scale.

Another argument for decentralization.





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