Covid Bullshit Ramps Up Again . . .

This, front page today’s “local” newspaper. I notice now that the photo was taken in November 2021. So maybe the bullshit hasn’t started yet? The little girl is right to have her brow furrowed, her body leaning away from the jab.

And covidiana is just one teensy weensy example of the bullshit we now, beyond any doubt, know we are facing. The good news? The bad guys aren’t creative. They just keep trying the same old tricks over and over again. And we’re on to them. This time with help, from both our technology and our own zany humor.

Just remember.

Re-member! We are putting ourselves back together again as we let go of what we never did need, though were brainwashed to think we did.


Yes. Re-member, re-member . . .


8 thoughts on “Covid Bullshit Ramps Up Again . . .

  1. So much good is in this world. I grow weary of the intense polarization I experience when reading most of what you write. There is so much judgement. So much certainty about what you and others believe is the “right” way to think. Gone is gentleness and kindness. In its place I hear and feel conversations that allow nothing but agreement in. You and so many others I read here appear so certain, so sure of your beliefs that it sets up – to me – an us vs them field of energy. There’s no room for conversation, only agreement. If one disagrees or sees things differently, there is a belittling and a complete dismissal. Every time I write something here, that is my experience. I despair, and wait months before trying again. This is what frightens me more than what we might not see eye to eye about. Disagreements are normal in life. Seeing things differently is a part of life. In this forum, people only fit in if they agree. Underlying much of what I read on this blog from people, even you at times, is a feeling of huge judgement that people who don’t see things your way are wrong, are stupid, are blind, are foolish. Also, under the surface I sense a rage brewing towards people who don’t agree with you or whoever is writing. This lack of kindness and peaceful conversation, diplomacy if you will, is happening across the country, in places in government at times, and it’s not just in this country. It’s in the world. – I do not imagine this is your intention, but I often sense it behind what you present on this blog. It makes me very sad. And it frightens me badly.

    1. Mark, thank you so very much for this reflection. You’re right. My default position is to judge. I had hoped I wasn’t succumbing to it, but you might be right. Even so, re: covid: whenever I see somebody with a mask on, and there are more and more of them again, I grow instinctively enraged, want to tear the mask off, yelling WAKE UP! But I don’t. I judge internally, and keep a civic manner.

      So my question is, how do I NOT judge, when my instincts run so decisively in one direction, and always have, ever since covid was rolled out, in January 2020, and its jab is now beginning to succeed in depopulating the world? I am at a loss to understand how to do this; so that is obviously what I need to contemplate.

      You have no idea how reading through your commentary helps me, shines a mirror up to me; obviously, I need it. SO THANK YOU!

  2. Ann – Everyone’s instincts run in a direction that is right for them. At the same time you are having your strong instincts, others are also having theirs which are just as strong. It becomes an energetic sword play, which is counterproductive to cooperation. Just as you feel strongly, others do too – only in different ways than you. Others may want you to wake up, just as you want them to do so. It’s an age old situation, and nothing terribly new. —. Even though you have internal judging and maintain a civil manner, energetically your judgment and rage are still there and thus still felt by others – even if you are outwardly behaving civilly. —. If it wasn’t Covid, it would be something else. This is, I think, nothing new. What feels new is it feels like rage and judgement on steroids in this world. You have to understand that just because you believe something strongly, and produce other people’s words to add to your own in support of your views, that doesn’t mean your approach is constructive or helpful, kind or loving. If you feel judgement and rage within yourself, this manifests outwardly even if you are “behaving well.” I too have struggled with judgement through the covid experience. I wearied of it after a while, because that judgement and anger towards others who didn’t agree with me – made me sad and sick, negative and miserable. Life is too short for this sort of experience. For me, I choose happiness – even amidst trauma. I want to be a light in this world, to shine love and kindness. I can’t do that if I am so filled with judgment and rage. What is in my heart is much more important than what is in my thinking. – How I feel and what my experience is, informs the choices that I make. I want to be around people who I feel emotionally safe with, who do not judge me and find me wanting. I want to be around people who I feel kindness from, not rage. Judgement and rage inhibit peace. I want peace. I want kindness. I want love. And I want that for you.

    1. Totally agree with your assessment, having been working to calm my intensely fiery nature all my life.

      My level of “fury” indicates inner fire I have not yet integrated!

      Astrology: Sun/Ascendant, Mars, in fiery Sagittarius! Judgmental when negative; offering widening perspective when positive.

      BTW: Like you, I too, aim to move through the world spreading peace and kindness, especially on my daily walks with puppy Shadow. I think I have indicated this on my blog which also, yes, also tells the truth about where I am on a daily basis.

      There’s instinct, and there’s programming. Which is which. THE big question.

      Here’s a “judgment,” or a “consideration,” if you will. My assessment: When we are attuned to our bodies, we can move instinctively, and trust that movement. But if we are not in tune with our bodies, then programming fills the gap. And can be so strong it’s perceived as instinct.

      Unfortunately, the way we are trained in schools is to depend on logical left brain only. Right brain, the intuitive brain, is connected to the heart, and therefore the body.

      We need to learn to utilize and balance both brains, but with the left brain in service to the right brain.

      1. I see your desire for peace and kindness often in your walks with Shadow and your love of permaculture/gardening, your love for your friends and of course your sons. I also agree with the sovereignty of the individual. My instincts or intuition are deep and personal. I question everything, study and research to form opinions. I usually make choices which combine left brain/rational/reseach with right brain/ intuition. I have often said what you are saying here about the fact that we are taught in schools the “higher” value of the left brain. I agree that it’s very important to be in tune with our bodies. There is a lot we do agree on. – It’s easy to feel peace with people we agree with. The real trick is to have peace with people we disagree with.

      2. In my living space, shared with a number of others, we have utterly divided political and medical views. So I always counsel, “Let’s just stay with what we have in common.” Which works fine.

  3. My youngest brother died this week after suffering a year of incredibly debilitating effects of medically diagnosed ‘Long Covid’ . . . (He was vaxxed as job requirement and presented with Covid AFTER vaccination).

    The pain and sorrow that is Covid is such that many devote time and energy in attempts to gain some sort of middle ground understanding and offer information that often is not available to those for whom mainstream news is the primary source of information.

    Further, professionals who ‘take the leap’ and decide to share validated information are often marginalized by the very ‘news’ outlets that under Fourth Estate journalistic protocol, are charged with providing vetted information.

    Knowledgeable Empaths intuitively ‘sense’ a disconnect and are quick to call-out inconsistencies often to the charge of being outside the loop.

    Inconsistencies presently abound and the general populace seems part of some sort of unfathomable paradigm that may require outside the loop remediation.

    Thank You Ann!

  4. Ann,
    I’m following Colin’s journey. I’ve not infrequently had to sleep sitting up and finally found a way to keep from sliding down in the bed. If it would be of interest, send me an email. It doesn’t feel appropriate to leave details here.

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