CULTURAL CONUNDRUM: How Does the Vaxxed Theme Intersect with Three Current Movie Themes?


I sit here, wondering when the ball is going to drop. Wondering when vaxxed individuals among my family and friends are going to keel over with some kind of heart or circulation issue. Wondering if the “tiredness” some complain of is related. Wondering, wondering . . . And it has begun, though not so much in this town that I know of (I keep track of obits in the local paper, and not many have had the word “unexpectedly” attached). I do have a dear old friend and his wife, now in California, who are both currently suffering from a lingering what-they-call “covid,” plus, again for both, blood clots, other circulation issues.

And I notice my own attitude. On the one hand, I don’t say anything, because I know that whatever I could offer would not be well received. On the other hand, I don’t say anything because, frankly, it’s as if I’ve taken genocide as a fait accompli. Knowing I will meet my loves again on the other side, I seem to be shrugging off the worst crime against humanity in history. Except for, maybe, child trafficking (cf. Sound of Freedom). That may take the cake.

Notice my insouciant attitude? Actually it’s fake. It’s my way of coping.

BTW: I notice that there are three extraordinary movies out this summer, each one unusually well produced, and each addressing one of three main “themes” that color human experience today.

I say this, despite that, until this summer, I hadn’t been to a movie in years! Nor do I watch them at home, or even Netflix. I was so disgusted by reported pedophilia in Hollywood a few years ago, that it turned me off movies, I thought forever.

But, NOT! These three movies all speak truth, in their own unique ways, and are geared precisely, to their subject matter..

Sound of Freedom speaks to the underground depravity that has been corrupting the human soul and spirit, likely for centuries.

The second movie of note, Oppenheimer, wherein a deeply troubled scientist finally achieves his seemingly impossible mission’s goal, and is then greeted with massive applause, much to his horror and chagrin, speaks to the subconscious, but easily accessed, terror of nuclear war that has infected humanity since World War II.

And the third, Barbie, again, beautifully produced, speaks satirically of the unbelievably glitsy and silly surface (bodily, materialist) concerns of today’s generations, in a way that had me grinning all the way through. (I didn’t actually plan to go to this movie, but found myself there after I realized I had arrived to see Oppenheimer more than an hour early.) I love the sudden, inadvertent reference to “Death” that turned this movie on its ear, at least briefly (I had to leave before the movie ended).

I’ve heard that the latter two together, are known as Barbenheimer. Opposites attract? Well, okay. But what about SOF?

What I notice, is that those whom I begged to go to SOF, went to Barbie instead . . . And yes, it felt like a slap in the face. Must learn to not take anything personally!

But back to the original wonderment of this post. When are vaxxed friends and family going to start to keel over? (And when they do, will I finally climb back down into MY deeper grieving reality?)

Check these out:

That word “self-culling” . . .

So. How does the vaxxed theme intersect with the three current movie themes?

Don’t know. Don’t know. Except to say that no matter which movie you identify with, if you are vaxxed, you may, at some point, find yourself suddenly out of identity.



3 thoughts on “CULTURAL CONUNDRUM: How Does the Vaxxed Theme Intersect with Three Current Movie Themes?

  1. Remember that consciousness and energy create the nature of reality. Those that have a high frequency will be well whether they are vaxxed or not. Epigenetics rules most of our DNA. Karma and pre-life contracts also influence the outcomes. So increasing spiritual awareness and frequency are key to all health. Just because they are vaxxed doesn’t mean they are doomed. Just keep doing the good work of helping to raise frequency as best you can!

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