DAVID MEETS GOLIATH: 5 PM, Bloomington City Hall

The Bloomington Historic Commission meets at 5 PM today, August 12, to decide whether or not to send our Application to preserve Green Acres Neighborhood as a Conservation District to the City Council, which will make the ultimate decision. This application and supporting documents, plus three public meetings, were created and held in record time, due to the pending demolition on August 14 of seven small, sweet houses on Jefferson Street, to make way for a multistory apartment building.

If the BHC votes to send it to the Council, then demolition will be stopped in the interim.

At the Farmer’s Market Saturday, I ran into a big supporter of ours, one who used to be on the City Council. Chris and I sat and spoke for awhile, as two elders who have watched this city begin to transform into a so-called “smart city.” Chris didn’t call it that in our conversation, nor did I. I’m trying my damndest not to freak people out. Not sure if Chris has gone down the rabbit hole re: the New World Order, the WEF, the globalist wet dream of stacking sky high those of us who remain (after their genocidal plans, re: the vax, other Big Med/Big Pharma ways of keeping us sick or killing us; ruined skies, water, and thus food, on and on — all go somewhat astray. Oh yeah, did I mention wars? What a terrific way to kill off young men and now, women, before they can procreate. Plus, makes the big banks, and the MIC, and bribed politicians, deliriously happy!)

Chris and I did speak of the “too many people on the planet” scam. He’s the one who brought it up! Because it fits right in to the agenda of some recently elected and thoroughly indoctrinated young people on the City Council. Globalist solution? Build high, tall, multi-story apartment buildings! Crowd people in them! Take over Green Acres Neighborhood, of course! Such a backwards-looking place, that stupid post-World War II time capsule suburb! Enough of nostalgia. We’re heading into the technocratic future!

I.e., it’s not just corporate greed that’s at work here. It’s woke ideology. “We need to have more housing, much more.” Thus, the boring, stultifying, multistory apartment buildings springing up everywhere, all fashioned from the same sterile, dehumanizing template.


So yes, tonight’s the night David meets Goliath.

This morning I emailed this to Chris. How much space 8 billion people take up.



Then there’s this, which features extreme skepticism as to how the UN arrives at the number 8 billion, starting with India’s supposed 1 billion. Poppycock!


Here’s what we’re rooting for in Green Acres Neighborhood.



Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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