(Decidedly) WONDERFUL: Freedom Variant spreading! (Possibly) AWFUL: is the Plandemic used for Organ Harvesting?

This is one of those both/and kind of posts. Both the wonderful and the awful. For me, it’s of great value to learn how to hold both polarities in mind simultaneously, so that I may continue to expand and deepen perspective.



Remember, though we’re currently riveted on Canada, an overwhelming outpouring of love, courage and freedom is now taking the entire world by storm, with LOVE alchemizing FEAR. This includes continuous demonstrations, especially in Europe (which of course, just like the trucker convoy, go largely unnoticed by the MSM) . . .


And don’t forget that governments are already caving . . .


Notice: in Canada, the Trucker action is already bearing fruit. Since the convoy and standoff began, about one week ago:

  1. Quebec has dropped the tax of the unvaxxed.
  2. Saskatchewan is pledging to scrap Vax passports by Feb 28.

Moreover, politicians in Canada are served warning: either come clean, or resign. You still have time. Because, otherwise we are coming after you. We want JUSTICE.


And yet, please, please take Jordan Peterson’s warning to heart. We don’t want to become what we despise.



Meanwhile, a disturbing new thought.  Here’s the backstory:

The Tragic Truth: Organ Harvesting in China

In permaculture, we speak of “stacking functions.” So too with the plandemic: Not only do hospitals receive government bribes for each person they label as “Covid, ” (no matter what the circumstances upon admission to hospital), with “death from Covid” especially, due to respirators and Remdesivir, bringing the combined bribe total to ca. $100,00 each . . .


. . . but those deaths themselves — are these bodies being harvested for organ transplants? Martin Geddes forwarded this message on Telegram:


The above is for the U.K. What about the U.S.? Well, a quick search uncovers this:


That was 2016. Again, a quick search told me that a record 41,000 people received transplants in 2021, and that the time it takes to receive a transplant can vary from tomorrow to many years.


OrganOh, and BTW: The organ transplant business is extremely lucrative. You could receive a cool million dollars if you donate your heart . .  .

Hmmm . . . if organs from so-called Covid-infected corpses are transplanted into a living person, would the transplant infect that person?

Note, for what it’s worth: The Red Cross refuses blood from vaxxed folks.

Addendum: Oops. But see this, from a comment on this post.



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