Dissonance Department: We are buried inside a long-running, never-ending nightmare; we are eagerly awaiting the Arizona Audit results


The nightmare bogs us down, makes us feel yucky, anxious. We feel the chaotic currents of cowering, craven F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) coursing through the atmosphere, inspiring macabre humor.

Why won’t the nightmare end? — we ask.  What’s going on?

Time to get off this wheel, folks! Just say NO! And ACT accordingly, whatever that means to you. Me? I’m about to get another tee-shirt.


Plenty of people are saying NO!, despite losing jobs, marriages, family relations, reputations, educational opportunities, and more. Here are a few more signs of rebellion.

The Arizona Audit

The Audit, which was announced only days ago, fills us with either anticipation or dread, depending. And the chart, set for tomorrow’s event, at 1 p.m. Phoenix time, is a doozy, indicating deep, penetrating, reverberating emotional rupture: Moon conjunct volatile Uranus in earthy, steady Taurus, opposite Venus in death/rebirth Scorpio. As if the ground caves in, swallows us whole,  and fills with turgid water.

The Ascendant for the event is within one degree of the Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius. TRUTH, BIG TRUTH, ENORMOUS PERSPECTIVE, resounding through the heavens.

The Sun, at 2° Libra and approaching Mars at 6° Libra indicates that the audit results will be delivered diplomatically (Libra) but forcefully (Mars), as well as demonstrate extremely careful consideration of an enormous amount of information from all sorts of different directions: Sun/Mars harmoniously trines strict, disciplined Saturn in knowledge-oriented Aquarius.

Expansive Jupiter, also in Aquarius, closely trines Mercury, also in fair and diplomatic Libra, and yet Mercury itself exactly squares purgative Pluto. The information (Mercury) will force a profound recognition that will be both deeply disturbing (Pluto), and fought against (the square).

Both the emotionally eruptive Venus/Moon/Uranus aspect pattern and the penetrating, hard fought mental Mercury/Pluto aspect will create enormous disturbances in the collective atmosphere, with, I sense, the emotional turbulence even greater than the mental push-back.

Frankly, I’d say it’s a good thing strict, careful Saturn is involved, to regulate what is to be so forcefully (Mars) illumined (Sun).

What’s next?

The Sun, moving one degree per day, will continue to approach warlike Mars, moving one degree every two days, to reach an exact conjunction on October 7th. Look for initial reverberating ramifications and integration of the meaning of the Arizona Audit especially during those following thirteen days, with the Sun/Mars conjunction aspect then gradually waning, to complete by the end of the third week of October.


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