DO WE STILL LIVE IN “AMERICA THE GREAT”? Signs of dissolution: medical, academic, cultural

Here I share three posts, each of which documents the continuing, more and more dramatic dissolution of — what shall we call it?

The American Dream?

The (Project for A) New American Century?

America the Great?

Two are essays, long reflections on the loss of ideals, standards, values, in medicine and academia; the other, a devastatingly contextualized report on yesterday’s particularly spectacular likely false flag, this one a lone male shooter who shot at least 19 children and two adults.

The first essay, on medicine, by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon obviously dedicated to Truth, is a long compendium, the dense detail and dot-connecting of which rivals even RFK’s The Real Anthony Fauci, and offers in one fell swoop, just about everything we need to know about the motivation, devastating multi-pronged effects, and ultimate intent of the covid con. LOTS of footnotes. And here’s what’s amazing: this essay was published on an official government site! How did it get by the “fact checkers,” the official censors? Please share far and wide because you know that, unless something has turned the office that this springs from, to decide to allow, for the first time in two years, Truth instead of lies, you know damn well that this post will be taken down, “disappeared;” or as the woke say now, “cancelled.”

COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth?

The second essay, on academia, by the decisively insightful polymath commentator, Martin Geddes, is especially dear to my heart, since my early background was academic. (I awakened to the programming I’d received during the process of preparing to write my dissertation at Boston University, and decided to write about that awakening process, which had the effect of undermining the entire history of western philosophy. Amazingly enough, I succeeded, was granted the PhD. However, I imagine the second person who tried something similar did not succeed. Why? Because the first one to breakthrough an established framework alerts the institution of the need to put new rules in place that forbid that particular horrific infraction to ever again blot the reputation of said institution! (They hope).)

A NEW SPIRITUAL ACADEMIA: The need to reform and refound the intellectual gymnasium

And the third,  a cultural reflection by Bari Weiss on yesterday’s mass shooting in Uvaldo Texas (MK Ultra Manchurian candidate? or just deeply angry and disturbed young man), reminds the reader that, among other mind-blowing stats, there have been 212 mass shootings already this year in the U.S., 27 of them school shootings. One way of interpreting this more and more alarming trend is to say that the globalists are becoming more and more desperate to take guns away from American citizens, and so either instigate, or pump these shootings and the resulting horror to propel well-meaning citizens — who don’t understand that if the government takes away the guns, then only the government will have the guns — to beg for gun laws.

Now if governments were both limited and benevolent, that would be okay. But national governments are proving themselves to be decidedly not benevolent, and like all organized top down systems created by humans, they tend to both corruption and indefinite expansion — a perspective clearly showing itself to any thinking person now, as the swamp gets stirred up to the point where it actually begins to drain.

As of 2019, this nation was one of only three countries with second amendment rights built into their constitutions: the U.S. , Venezuela, and Mexico. The other two give the right to own a gun; ours is the only one to include the right to bear arms.

America the Great?

Listen to this. From 2011.

I wonder how the lyrics would need to change now . . .

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