Does Inclusion of Reincarnation Affect Daily Life? If So, How?

I’ve pretty much assumed some version of reincarnation since my mid-20s, when entered the endless phase called “recovering Catholic” and desired to explore whatever lay outside that particular box. It was, for me, exciting, to keep on expanding my perspective; to not be certain of any of it, and yet to be tending in a certain direction. So yes, I’ve pretty much assumed some version of reincarnation ever since. And frankly,  I am always, at leaast in this life, working to transform the dogmatic, controlling personality I developed during some of my lives, likely including time as “Mother Superior” for a nunnery. Good grief!

Yes, GRIEF from the gunk that remains in my soul from that particular incarnation IS good.

Mea culpa!

So today, I came across this, what for me, is an electrifying repost from Martin Geddes. Hold on. It’s long. And I put several of the multitudinous comments on it at the end as well.

Wow. Sounds good! And directly fingers the three Abrahamic religions at each others’ throats now.

However, what if:

And question:

Besides the three trenchant comments above, the long comment section included many claims that, actually, both Christianity and Judaism do include reincarnation, though somewhat veiled and hidden. And though no one mentioned it in the comment section, I also found this, re: Islam.

Does Islam Believe In Reincarnation


But as for Christianity, I do know that it was officially banned by Emperor Justinian in mid-6th century.

Wouldn’t you know, it would be a Roman Emperor that banned it. Which leads to one more, to me, most trenchant comment from the original post on this vast subject:


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