ELON MUSK/TWITTER DRAMA — and more: Will tomorrow’s Full Moon offer illumination?

See this.

I can’t help but get the sense that this extraordinary power play by Elon Musk to buy Twitter may be a defining moment, not just for U.S. history, but for the millennial long history of our entire civilization. For I assume that the looming End Game, global tyranny (and WEF Great Reset), is simply not possible, if the majority of the human race actually opens to what’s really happening. That goes for info and disinfo about Ukraine; that goes for the U.S./Mexican border wide open not just to those who wish a better life, but to criminals, cartels, human and drug trafficking; that goes for raging inflation, supply chain issues and looming food shortages, hitting the remains of small businesses and the poorest people first and most; that goes for whether or not the virus is actually a venom — all of it, all of the above being skewed, by all sorts of forces, both epistemologically and ontologically, in directions we know in our hearts and souls, are downright Evil.

Re: the extraordinary Musk drama: I’ve been following at least some of the moves by various players — major stockholder nasty Prince Alaweed rejecting the offer; Vanguard buying more shares just to get more than the 10% of twitter stock Elon Musk bought a few days ago that led to the invite to join the board of twitter, topped by Musk’s last minute refusal to do so; and especially, including the damned if you do, damned if you don’t trap Musk has now handed twitter with a single seemingly off-hand tweet:

Or maybe it was a troll?

For those who don’t know what “420” signifies, here you go:

Just as marijuana users want freedom to drift in and out of this harsh world, so does every sovereign soul on earth want freedom to speak our minds.

But is Musk’s “420” reference a signal that he’s just trolling everybody here?

Trolling, with what aim in mind? Free speech? But isn’t he also the man who wants to implant “neurolink” computer chips in human brains, turning us into transhuman robots?


Personal speculation: Is Musk using this entire drama, including the contradiction at the heart of it (free will/free speech or no free will/programmed AI), to teach himself something about the human world? Which is why he seems to play both sides? More than anyone I have ever wondered about, this singular being feels to me like an extraterrestrial force of mysterious nature, who tunneled himself into this “reality” (this simulation?) to fulfill some kind of requirement for his own training.

Tucker Carlson, who is still employed by Fox News, seems to be able to speak his own mind, more and more. Is this because his platform is so big Fox can’t cancel him? Tucker claims that world’s wealthiest man Elon Musk is actually putting his entire life on the line, since his enormous ventures are entangled with governments that want to keep twitter the way it is, an enormous platform for government-ordered censorship.




Tomorrow is the Full Moon in the diplomatic sign of Libra. Might both the Musk drama and many-faceted, nightmarish, near-nuclear? global hell on earth reach its tipping point then? Might polarized, warring parties begin to see themselves in each other’s shoes? Might we each recognize how we project out unconscious aspects of ourselves that we need to come into conscious relationship with in order to heal?

See Laura Bruno’s post on the Full Moon. It starts:

I ask to become an airplane that sails, high in the clear sky. I ask to begin to be able to ignore the din below, not by “getting high” on marijuana, but by centering, over and over again, within that sweet, spacious awareness of the present moment, simultaneously breathing up from Earth and down from Heaven into the wide open heart, swirling out to nourish all suffering souls,  the divine LOVE the fills and fuels the universe, no matter who we “think” we are and what “side” we “think” we’re on; yes, no matter how confounding or corrupt the confusion here below.

To aid me in this practice, I call upon generous Jupiter and empathic Neptune which, during these few days, for the first time since 1856, are conjunct in watery Pisces.



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