FOOD FOR THOUGHT re: Katanji Jackson SC Nomination

So how do we assess the now recognized fact that, as a judge, Katanji Jackson has been startlingly lenient towards child porn offenders?

Katanji Jackson

And especially, how do we assess her defense regarding this issue?

For more details on leniency towards porn offenders in the Ketanji biography, see this Telegram post from Liz Crokin (who has been investigating pedophilia and worse for many many years):

For an extremely persuasive argument that pedophiles always repeat themselves when let out of jail, see clif high newsletter:

SC Nominee Kajani is “flat out wrong.”

Myself? As a woman in my 80th year,  I grew up in the pre-internet age as a saintly Catholic girl in the ’40s and ’50s, my background singularly devoid of anything to do with porn, pedophilia, and worse. Which means that reading through the entirety of this next post, for me, was extremely, and darkly, educational:

Why and How to Stop Using Porn

Wow! It’s an addiction? I had no idea.

(See Clif High post above; that’s why they keep on repeating.)

Wow! It severely affects relations between men and women? I’ve never thought about that.


NO! Simply didn’t bother to notice how screen porn could thoroughly pollute the entire socio/cultural atmosphere. Didn’t think. Should have realized! My ignorance has been utterly profound.

Plus: though I did assume that many of those depicted in screen porn would likely be trafficked children, given that I’ve been highly aware of the horrific corruption of pedophilia and worse (with associated blackmail and bribes used to control) running rampant underneath the veneer of (formerly) polite society, I didn’t bother to really think about that either.

Or maybe: I didn’t let myself think that? Could be.

Could be that I’m just like all those who are beginning to WAKE UP during this climactic period in his-story when the pornographic contents of the Hunter Biden laptop, for example, are finally emerging into the light.

And yes, it likely IS true that Biden nominated this particular “black woman” to the SC because of her record of leniency toward sentencing for crimes his son and likely others in the Biden crime family, including himself, are or could be, implicated in.

So here I am, flummoxed by all the thoughtful folks who actually think this woman should be affirmed for the US Supreme Court. Even if they buy her argument, that the internet age has changed everything, in that the number of porn images has exponentially increased simply because they don’t have to go through the U.S. mail anymore to get where they’re going, and so therefore, sentences should go down as the number of images go up (huh?), I stand here astonished by my own ignorance. How this infection of internet porn, both child porn and otherwise, has further corrupted our society to the point where I do wonder, does the first Pluto Return to the U.S. Chart since its birth on July 4, 1776 herald not just death (to the social/cultural order as we knew it), but death without rebirth?

Pluto, the primal creative, regenerative power, when perverted, signifies the depths of depravity, power over, victimization, all having to do with putrefaction of the sacred (sacral) sexual center of the human being. When Pluto is utilized in its negative capacity, it corrupts moral standards beyond recognition, so that anything goes, anything. And the more intensely destructive, the better. Addiction, to anything, for some people, requires increasing intensity in order to feel even barely alive.

CAN PORN ADDICTS HEAL THEMSELVES? And can they then recognize, just how much their lonely, furtive screen addiction to porn has colored, indeed, ruined, their perception of both themselves and “the opposite sex?”

Can we, as a society, as a culture, utilize the primal power of Pluto to cleanse the physical/mental/spiritual atmosphere in which we live and move and have our being to the point where we can begin again, truly begin again, with nothing but love in our hearts?


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