For several years now I’ve been pondering my own slow-moving but undeniably dramatic shift from Independent (albeit Democrat-in-practice) to Independent (but Republican-leaning). It feels mysterious; like a kind of sea-change.

Yesterday Elon Musk put up a graph of his own shift on newly acquired Twitter. And I bet there are gobs of folks like me who can identify.

Background: As a late-’60s hippie feminist, of course I loved Hillary Clinton. And was thrilled when Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992. However, not just his lying peckerdillos with Monica Lewinski, and not just the quickly covered up weirdness about the Meno Airport/ Whitewater scandal; in fact, these two strangenesses dropped entirely out of sight for me when I came across Cathy O’Brien’s book Trance Formation of America, and discovered, to my dismay, that Cathy, as an MK Ultra mind-controlled “presidential level sex slave,” had been farmed out to the Clinton White House, and specifically to Hillary Clinton.  That book came out in 1995 (during the Clinton presidency), after her congressional testimony was hidden from the public due to “for reasons of national security.” From her website:

Distributing truths mainstream media must ignore.

On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA’s TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips.

Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. TRANCE Formation of America exposes the truth behind this covert government program and its ultimate goal: psychological control of a nation.

Trance Formation of America

TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O’Brien is a healed and vocal survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation.

Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics.


I read her book a few years after it was published, but it took me another two years to actually absorb what she was saying to the point where it began to detonate my world-view.

Even so, I still remained a Democrat-leaning Independent, and actually voted for Hope and Change Barack Obama in 2008, fourteen years ago.

Then, I remember a strange feeling enveloping me, a lurching in my stomach, when I discovered that Obama signed the NDAA in 2011.

Despite this feeling that maybe he wasn’t the progressive young black savior we had all signed up for, despite my growing suspicion that something was decidedly off, I still voted for him again in 2012. Can you believe? Like Elon Musk, I was still hoping that the Democratic party was at least less corrupt than the Republican.

Even when bloviating, narcissistic Trump ran for office in 2016, I couldn’t imagine voting for him or any other Republican, and so held my nose and voted for Jill Stein.

But then, on his very first day in office, when Trump signed an EO officially withdrawing the United States from the TTP (Trans Pacific Partnership), I was both stunned and thrilled. Partly because he actually was beginning to do what he had promised to do, make it so that no globalizing “authority” above at least this nation state would ever be allowed to take control: AMERICA FIRST! And partly because that action showed his determination to prevent the globalist takeover of the whole world.

Just as, when Barack Obama signed the 2011 NDAA and my stomach sank, so now the opposite: when, in early 2017 Donald Trump refused to sign the TPP,  my heart lifted! Yes! Something is happening! Something never before seen! So perhaps this is when I should date the real beginning of my slow, nearly imperceptible shift to the right.

Here’s Bio-Clandestine on the same phenomenon.



One thought on “FROM BLUE-PILLED TO RED-PILLED: My Slow, Inexorable Shift

  1. Yep. sounds like my story, Ann. I liked the explanation of Twitter and Musks buy out. Very interesting. I am staying tuned.

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