From Loneliness to All-Oneness: HOW?


And what do I mean by loneliness? I mean feeling that you’re all alone in allowing yourself to absorb the horrors (both real and fake, past, present and future) that are now (and as usual) being relentlessly pumped into the collective unconscious to keep us dumbed down and enslaved. So much easier to do so at this point in history, when the internet and ubiquitous cell phones keep us entrained to whatever “they” choose to false flag us with next. (And not just through the sociopathic MSM. Even alternative sources can get wetiko infected, focusing only on righteously resisting horror; hey, and how about egocentric lawfare practiced by  some self-identified “truthers” against others? Or: does that mean, or “prove,” that they too, are fake, or “controlled opposition”? So confusing, this internet age when the mind itself has been weaponized.)

Don’t worry, you’re not really alone, you’re actually all-one; and it’s not just because everybody else that is brave enough to allow in the bad “news” is actually your companion in feeling all alone; it’s also because for each of us embodied souls on in 3D on planet Earth (psychopaths excepted), whenever shock and/or terror hits, the body’s first instinctive reaction, is not flight or flight, but F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), so powerful that it shuts down the mind — and, late at night, even the body. Such as when you wake up to sense someone furtively crouching by your open window, or to sense that you’ve just been slammed back from a journey out of body. Either way, the result? Bodily PARALYSIS.

Lots of people feel mentally — and emotionally (they hope!, so they can cope. . . .) — paralyzed right now, and trying their damndest not to show it. Because, you know, they want to “appear normal.” Oops! That means shut down, zombie-like. I see this every day, in Bloomington Indiana, a college town.



Solution: go about the world with an inviting smile lighting up your face, mouth and eyes radiating the love flowing through your open heart.

Sometimes the preoccupied ones actually glance up from their cell phones! Especially if I have puppy Shadow along on my daily 3-4 mile walk. And when they do, they are instantly startled, for this — unusual, in our driven, fast-paced, preoccupied society — attitude works miracles in all but the densest passers-by. For at least the tiniest of moments, something breaks through; the love light shines. A secret part of them will remember that moment, no matter what happens next. Love, once ignited, cannot be snuffed out.

This open attitude of loving kindness is not automatic. It can be cultivated through what Pema Chodron calls “the middle way.”


Six Kinds of Loneliness

To be without a reference point is the ultimate loneliness. It is also called enlightenment.



My daily walk IS my meditation. No cell phone. Only walking — and appreciating, how these 80-year-old hips and thighs, supported by nearly three decades of daily yoga, chikung, taichi, after about three blocks, settle into a powerful, driving, straight-backed rhythm; and watching, listening! to the birds, the bees, the flies, the squirrels; and smelling! the flowers, the soil, the aroma of coffee drifting from an open window; and noticing! the silly worried mind, letting it go, again and again, to breathe in the breathtaking beauty and geometry of Nature, the interlacing patterns of roots, leaves, clouds, not to mention puppy Shadow’s hilarious nose that remembers exactly where — on which street, which lawn, by which bush — he lunged for that discarded crust of white bread three days ago. “Is there more? Did I get it all?”

Here’s a good reminder of what’s at stake:


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