GLOBAL “UNIFYING” HOAX, # 2: The Climate Change Card . . .


Besides the alien card, there’s the climate change card, or, maybe, both? Either one aims to “unite” the global population under centralized, totalitarian control, utilizing F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) as both bait and motivation.

Re: “climate change.” Remember, they always pretend that whatever scare tactic they’re trolling out — during summers it’s “hottest” — is always “on record.” Meaning: back through recorded time? Last century? Last ten years. Meaning: In this city? On this continent? World wide? Who knows? It’s not always spelled out. In any case, whatever is the space/time frame used to view events within, it’s always too small to actually be meaningful. 

A few climate change posts and memes.

Let’s start out slow, shall we?

First, place this hoax in context with the last three years:


Have you noticed, some weather maps now show deep orange and dark red, as if they refer to extremely hot temps, when they do not?

As many many people have noted, the globalists not only fly around in private jets while preaching global warming, they also build mansions by the sea. Cf. Obama who, however, I now hear, may sell his mansion, and you know damn well it’s NOT because the sea is encroaching. (See this and this.)

But what about this summer’s devastating fires, caused by hotter than normal temps, right? Well, maybe some of them. However:


So many ways the globalists try to fool us, or, I should say, those among us who STILL prefer to be fooled rather than think  “their government wouldn’t have their best interests at heart.” Hmm. Despite the bells tolling from sudden, fast-acting diseases, sudden, unexpected deaths and chronic disabilities during especially, the last two years (post vax), this inability to face facts is still true? Oh come on, man!


Now let’s look specifically at the much bandied about “net zero” phrase.

I put solar panels on one of the houses in Green Acres Permaculture Village to service two of the three houses about eight years ago, and frankly, now regret it. Not only because the panels degrade through time, but because I was not thinking thinking then about what happens when they lose all function. Same goes for windmills, which last only a few years, and in both cases: how to recycle?

Then there’s the slave labor that goes into producing all these so-called “green technologies.”

Yeah, and I had to replace the large lithium battery on my Prius two years ago too . . . Again, wasn’t thinking about this at all when I bought the Prius, in 2007.

Remember this quack who got rich off “climate change”? And to think I used to beLIEve in Al Gore . . .

All right. Enuf!!

Remember, remember . . .





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