GOOD NEWS! (Pandemic Treaty Defeated) and BAD NEWS? (Sussmann Declared Innocent)


I was interested in the fact that results of the so-called Pandemic Treaty, which would have brought 194 nations under control by the WHO, and thus eviscerated national sovereignty, was not immediately obvious. I had heard rumors, but it took until this morning for me to find the kind of source that would make sense of the rumors. I thank  Celia Farber’s substack post for pointing to these two articles:

WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown

— and for background, this:

Biden Backed WHO Treaty Amendment Would Yield United States Public Health Powers to UN


Then, this morning, news that Sussmann got off, a verdict which Margot Cleveland predicted, in a post published early this morning, which referred back to a post she published on May 27, she reiterated that, even if he is acquitted, it leaves all the damning testimony intact, which makes me wonder if this result may have been Durham’s intent in the first place.

Even if the Jury Doesn’t Convict Michael Sussmann, the Special Counsel Has Won

After the acquittal, Cleveland wrote:

Jury Acquits Clinton Campaign Attorney but Prosecutors Prove corporate Media Guilty

with this subtitle:

In any case, we’re left with further confirmation that justice cannot be achieved in the D.C. swamp (Compare the January 6 “insurrectionists,” still rotting in D.C. prison.)

If you recall, Judge Cooper, was appointed by Obama, and his wife is Lisa Page’s attorney.

Plus, several jurors had gifted to HRC campaigns, and both Sussmann and one of the jurors have children on the same sports team.

As for Judge Cooper: Remember that he volunteered to recuse himself, but Durham said it wouldn’t be necessary. In that post I figured that this means that Durham knows that Cooper must have integrity (else why would he volunteer to recuse himself?). Now I wonder if it’s because Durham knew this acquittal was coming, that in fact, it’s part of a gigantic sting op that Dave of X22 Report says is being wrapped around the rotting D.C. miasm, throwing an even more incriminating light on the entire U.S. justice system.

Techno Fog weighs in here:

Michael Sussmann has been Acquitted


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