Halloween 2024: Of Horror and Hilarity

Remember way back when we saw Halloween as the time when we dressed up as various scary people or corpses, or skeletons? Remember when skeletons remained “in the closet” except for this one scary day when we gave them a very brief airing, to “let off steam”?

Not true for everybody, of course. Many people, the ones we initiated ones call “normies” (and it’s a diminishing herd) still dress up for Halloween as if it was just like the olden days. (See bad cattitude post below.)

Back then, we all could just pretend, on this one day of the year, to deal with/in evil, darkness, nastiness, blood, gore, and semen. Yeah. Remember that? Halloween, the day when the line between the seen and the unseen thins, was just a metaphor?

No longer. Over the past decade or so? — or longer? or shorter? — hard to recall, I’ve been immersed for so long in the messy business of exposing personal and collective shadow stuff. And always with the intent to heal, i.e., to integrate, to become whole, both personally and collectively, rather than continuing to unconsciously suffer the usual hole in being that drives us “to seek love in all the wrong places.”

[Which reminds me: see Harvard canonizes Taylor Swift.]

As if “love” is a commodity; scarce as all get out. As if “love” is what we long for, and can never “get and hold.” As if Taylor is telling her besotted female fans to forget getting married, having kids, propagating the species. It’s just not worth the heartache! Or, for those already numbed to their tender vulnerable femininity —”not worth the trouble.”

Worse . . . it’s

As if LOVE didn’t exist,

filling all of space/time, forever!

Bathing all creation in her nourishing warmth!

There is no end to love, and no beginning.


Meanwhile, those of us on this beleagered Earth who are destined to face the darkness, though we flinch at learning about, for example, the deep darkness to which Cathy O’Brien was forced to endure for over 30 years, starting when she was a child — simply must absorb her memoir, if nothing else.

Trance Formation of America


In fact, one needs only this one book to come face to face with the heart of the darkness that infects human civilization on planet Earth.

Cathy is one of those featured in the following video.


I bring this ghastly subject up today, because it is Halloween, the day we’re licensed to entertain ourselves with faked horror; and because I want to warn especially Sagittarians like me (and Cathy, who also, like me, has a Taurus Moon!) who seek to know TRUTH — of something weird I encountered while attending a Halloween party several years ago.

I had dressed up as  “Demonic Monk” — with a dark cloak and a set of cloth horns from the Dollar Store.

But, while swirling around with others at the party — and this had never happened to me before, at least not to my knowledge — an invisible demonic entity of some kind tried to invade me. I remember well the feeling; it still makes me shudder.

In other words, by dressing AS IF, I was inviting that reality in.

Pretending can have real consequences.


On the other hand, pretending can also invite utter hilarity. Check this out. 

Trump’s account of how yesterday’s “GARBAGE” truck troll got going.

There are lots of pics and videos. This, to me, is the most hilarious.

Bad Cattitude reminds us in his substack post today:


Yes, sometimes, the TRUTH is so horrendous, that, though ramping up slowly over time, there is still only a certain percentage of people  mentally/emotionally/spiritually equipped to be able to see it, flinch, and continue to absorb it anyway. Or, I shouldn’t say absorb it. Rather, not take it in (like I didn’t take the demon in that Halloween night). Rather, allow your perception to tune into, and instinctively avoid, thus directing the ghastly info (or disinfo or misinfo, who really knows for sure?) to either bounce off, or to flow through, without adhering, without harm.

Or, even better, do the (seemingly?) impossible.

Be like DJT:

more and more proving to us

that he is personally equipped

to either trump,

or boomerang,

or utilize,

or dissipate,

or transform —

any Evil he encounters.






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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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