HAPPY NEW YEAR’S EVE! What do each of us as individuals, and all of us as one, INTEND for 2022?

I remember way back when the plandemic began to roll out, at some perverse level, I felt thrilled that for perhaps the first time in his-story, the entire “civilized” world was going to participate in a single “reality,” or, I should say, a single set of glasses from which to view “reality.” East/West, North/South, national boundaries, cultural differences, none of it would matter. Perhaps for the very first time.

But then, as these past two years have crawled by, I’ve noticed that even with those glasses on — the prescription for which, BTW, was set by blaring repeated fear porn MSM headlines — our “single reality” was an illusion! Depending on all sorts of factors, people responded to the plandemic differently, all due, at bottom, to the the distinction between those who read and follow the “news” of the day on screens, and those who don’t, for example, the Amish.


Of course that initial so-called “global unification” was an illusion, I say now. Because, for example, I, who have enjoyed an intimate working relationship with my own body — my own precious portion of the Earth Mother, sensing her natural, divine laws especially as they show themselves to me through whatever is going on within my own body — I personally was basically, immune from the fear-porn from the outset.

Please note well: I never did take it on. Because my own body/mind/soul operate as one, I always INTUITIVELY KNEW the way the covid con was being spun that it was some kind of massive global psy-op.

Only those who are not in an intimate relationship with their own bodies; those whose minds and bodies are split from one another, so that the person identifies with only the mind (actually, the ego, that fortification that functions first and foremost to keep the inside in and the outside out) and treats the body as mechanical, a machine, an object among other objects, would automatically seek “expert” help from outside when bodily disfunction arises, or is feared.

Unfortunately, the mind/body split folks (indoctrinated by culture and education) constitute a vast portion of the world’s population, all of whom, then, can be “mind-controlled” to beLIEve whatever “experts” (and “data-points, whether faked or real”) tell them from the outside. Along with that mind/body split (thanks again, Descartes) has arisen the four conditions of personal, social, and cultural breakdown that Mattias Desmet identifies in his discourse on Mass Formation, the combination of which rendered the hypnotic covid spell both possible and very very effective.

Except that it’s now breaking down. Along with all sorts of other awfulnesses.


Once again, I point to X22 Report from yesterday. I sense that Sean has a larger and more complex perspective than usual on what’s going on and what’s to come, a view which is very much in tune with that of Clif High, his videos on “the woo.” Both appreciate the Q material, by the way, as do I.

Today, I see that even the NYT is taking note of something strange going on down in Guantanamo.

Building another court room? Wow. Why? Doesn’t the Biden resident want to erase the entire complex? And why, I want to ask, has the Buy-den administration not torn down the Trump-built portions of the wall between the U.S. and Mexico? Isn’t he really the president? Well, if the concept of Devolution is taken into account, then it may be that  Biden Blather is sheer malarky, and the current so-called federal government is not, or is no longer, the monolithic monster of old.

Juan O Savin, in his latest with Nino, speaks this way, and points out that the tiny area of D.C. is NOT the rest of the country, composed of a vast multiplicity of states, areas, regions, towns, and so-forth, all of which have their own realities, and do NOT really even need to be under the auspices of what has become the massively centralized, dole-out-money-like-a-daddy, federal government.

I’m tempted to say that Bumbling Biden, in turning his back on the fed and saying it’s up to the states to figure out how to end the Covid, is a hero! For that one — likely unscripted, perhaps not even understood by the one who made it — remark has removed the cornerstone upon which the massive federal edifice was constructed in our minds. Yep! Death/Rebirth Pluto in Capricorn, sign of structures, both visible and invisible, is indeed returning to its natal place for the very first time since our nation’s birth!

FairyMeanwhile, here’s a great meme to illustrate some of the absurdities that have cropped up this year. How many of us don’t know the realities of what is supposedly depicted here?

BTW: to those who assume that because the Epstein files were sealed after Ghislaine’s conviction, that none of the perps will ever come to justice, Sean of SGT Report begs to differ, saying that it’s because these perps are under active investigation and so can’t be identified at this point.

Meanwhile, I myself, just entering my 80th year on this planet in this body, feel very alive, centered, and prepared to meet whatever is coming down the pike during 2022. Even the most aware of us know it won’t be easy, and that in fact, especially the first three months (say both Clif and Juan O Savin) will test us beyond measure.


Yesterday, I had to get out to do three errands, each of them in a small local store. In a polite mood,  while in-store I wore a mask, though below my nose. To each clerk, all three young defeated-looking masked millennial males, I wished a Happy New Year in a cheerful voice. Each one responded, pathetically, in a wistful tone: “Well, I hope so . . .” At which point, to each in turn, I rose to full-on Crone stature and declared, loudly, “NO. Not hope. INTEND! Get that? INTEND! It’s up to you what happens next year! For all of us, that’s true!”

Each of these three millennial males, startled out of the fog, stirred into aliveness, for at least that one brief and shining moment.

May there be many more.

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I wish all of us a very HAPPY New Year, one in which we individual sovereign souls express our unique beautiful natures in concert cooperatively, that we may continue to demolish what no longer serves while prayerfully planting  seeds of miracle and wonder.




2 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR’S EVE! What do each of us as individuals, and all of us as one, INTEND for 2022?

  1. Much thanks to you Ann for your heart-felt greeting for the new year and a special thanks for your continuing efforts to keep readers informed and aware.

    Wishing you a wonder-filled 2022!

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