Horrendous Trans-mogrification of Society IS, However, Temporary


Once again, I can’t help but focus on the trans/woke/CRT phenomenon, which, I notice, has infected the Monroe County School Corporation as well.

(BTW: since when did a school system become a school corporation? I have no idea, but it bugs me. A cursory search did bring me to this, related.)

I keep collections of memes on my desktop, and of course, “trans/woke” is one of the categories. And please do forgive me for this obsession. I’m obsessed with an obsession that seems to have completely infected this culture. I’m meta-obsessed, you might say.

Let’s start here:

People who think for for themselves recognize that our society has been gradually, subtly, and now blatantly infected with a mind-virus that absolutely insists on dividing people into smaller and smaller, weirder and weirder “identity” categories. “Divide and Conquer.” The more they can divide us, the more animosity is stirred up, the more confused we become, the easier we are to control.

But I do think the tide is turning, especially given that the ponzi fiat financial system is failing and superfluous weirdnesses like trans/woke/CRT will no longer be funded.

Which is good. VERY GOOD.


Lots and lots of us are.

The film, What Is A Woman, is well worth watching, as poker-faced Matt Walsh goes around the country, interviewing various people associated with this idiocy — teachers, counselors, men dressed as women (trans), women dressed as men (trans), psychologists, academics, administrators, confused kids, etc — asking a single question: What Is A Woman? He sits there across from each of them, without visible emotion, and drills down into their evasions to his question, making each one acutely uncomfortable, as he or she (and there are ONLY two genders), often starting out with a superior attitude, spouts various programmed nonsense, most of which can simply be “identified” by the language used. For example, according to these weirdos, a person is “assigned” a sex at birth.


Here’s a typical, excruciating, clip from the movie:

And now, guess what? The Bee has produced a movie, WHAT IS A MAN?, equally long, but with a twist. Watch it long enough to know. Totally hilarious.

Yes . ..







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