I had seen most of this info before, but as scraps. Grateful for this cogent summary tale of what the author details as Trump’s earlier, decades-long sting, to entrap the bad guys. Here’s the entire post. VERY interesting.
(Oh but wait a minute, is that really a photo of young Trump?)
Real and imagined. Fact and fiction. Who knows what for sure anymore?
But that story above, is both cogent and makes sense of how Trump could go on to do what some claim he is doing now — and what I would like to think he’s doing until I get cold feet and listen to Ole Dammegard call him out as just another clown — presenting as the archetypal hero, so that the entire world will unite behind his leadership to completely transform the world — into the New World Order. What? Yuck!!!
Notice how flocks of birds follow the leader? And how once in a while they change places, to give each other breaks?
Well, we humans are similar. We tend to flock together, and to follow the current leader’s direction.
Are we foolish? Are we lemmings, about to jump off the cliff into the void?
Or: are we about to “ascend” into dimensions beyond, so that we can see, from afar, the 3D clash of opposites as mere play.
Stay present, Ann.