How to let go of your mind and 270 million years . . .

As I continue to navigate this 3D world with hopefully, 5D awareness, I am especially cognizant of how each of us, usually unconsciously, utilizes relationships with others as frictional growing points to help us learn about hidden qualities within ourselves.

Projecting denied or ignored qualities within ourselves out onto others, we then focus upon them as “the problem.” Hopefully, at some point, we begin to learn how to notice our projections, take them back and integrate them,  on our way to becoming whole.

After all, what is life on earth for?

I am famous around here for intoning the following:  “What we are doing on this planet is moving stuff around. BUT: it’s always an excuse for relationships!” (And see above, what relationships are for! To learn about ourselves!)

How did I recognize this profound truth?

Well, during those twenty-one years I lived in Jackson Hole, I would imagine myself on the top of Snow King mountain behind Jackson, looking down on us scurrying humans, movin’ stuff around. (Never looking up, always looking down!)

Here, in Indiana, I strive to remain centered and grounded while simultaneously rising up above the town of Bloomington until we mortals appear tiny enough to see ourselves as not just movin’ stuff around, but, just like in Jackson, often foolish and myopic as well, lapsed into ego, determined to get our own way.


Egoic consciousness is so damn limited! Just your little bubble or my little bubble, and never the twain shall meet!

Ach! Okay, Ann. Let go let go.

This morning I listened to an audio featuring good friends Linda Moulton Howe and Whitley Strieber, both of whom have been fascinated by and involved with the extraterrestrial presence for decades. The question they addressed was this: which species are involved with humans on this planet and are their intentions good or evil.

Linda’s views are very strong and she is familiar with much that Whitley brings up, and more; Whitley’s views are less definitive, and he tends to take his cues from her.

The most interesting part for me, was in the beginning, when she described what she considers to be three species who, she claims, have been present for 270 billion (or was it million?) years, and who are fighting each other over humans: Reptilians, Nordics, and Greys. From what I can pick up, she sees Reptilians as having ill intent, Nordics or tall whites as having helpful intent, and Greys, she says, are or many many kinds, from tall to short (tall ones organic, short ones AI), and tend to play both sides.

Reptilians, she says, live underground, in especially the middle eastern area. Nordics also live underground, but under the oceans. Not sure what she says about Greys. In any case, she describes Earth as “like a hotel,” with humans on the surface and other species under the surface. (Or, as I prefer, Earth is like a honeycomb.)

I very much appreciate that she assumes life in the larger cosmos is just like life on earth for humans: with some that have our best interests at heart, others only out for themselves, and still others, who work both ways, depending.

Like many people, Linda is furious that the U.S. government has kept both what it knows of the off-world presence on Earth secret for over 70 years (since Roswell), and with the fact that the U.S. has two space forces operating, both funded by U.S. taxpayers: the official one, NASA, and a secret one which has been in space for many decades, thanks to cooperation with Nordics, operating in 22 solar systems thanks to ET technologies that remain secret, and that, as others have pointed out, once revealed, will make possible both space travel and free energy for all.

I also found their discussion of just how ETs travel such vast distances instructive:


He: DARPA on December 8, said they had created, by accident, a “warp bubble.”

She: They’ve been doing this for a long time. They’re dropping little pieces now into the news, but they’ve been doing this since they started working with the tall nordics since 1972. This is how they move light years. You are pulling it to you, rather than having to go there, through the warp drives. As in a Phillip K. Dick story, you step over the doorframe, and you are in another part of the cosmos. It has something to do with pulling the destination. You are bringing the space destination to you. There is already testimony that we are doing this, reducing light years to seconds or minutes. Difficult to grasp because we are euclidian geometry people, using up time moving forward.

He: when I asked [an E.T.] how do you get from place to place? The answer was, “it’s a solid idea.” If it has something to do with the mind, consciousness, then yes, not a physical warp drive. In other words an idea of movement instantaneous from place to place that somehow has actual form and function in the physical world.

She: You’re creating two bubbles, front and back, and those bubbles are these warps in the ST fabric . . . That’s why they call it the warp bubble. It has to do with the balance between two pockets, one in front and one in back of the craft — rather than the need for massive amounts of energy.

There, did that help me to expand my awareness enough to let go of silly interpersonal conflicts on earth? If not, how about this?

Yes, that oughta do it.

Weird: I just now noticed that same number — 270 million! — as in the Linda material above . . . Hmmm. . . maybe there’s a Q drop that connects them both?

Oh wow, and just noticed another synchronicity: “ego bubbles” and “warp bubbles.” Both require balance. I.e., it’s never one or the other, always both — if you want to break free.

One thought on “How to let go of your mind and 270 million years . . .

  1. I loved listening to Linda. I too have a curious mind. I have wondered so much about the Universe and WHY our government keeps things hidden from us. I am excited for these things to be exposed. I’M READY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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