I Offer Shadow’s Dear Sweet Soul to the Tribe

Note: See posts for June 4, 5, 6.

I think this may be the final post in my grieving process for dear puppy Shadow. Because it did feel like last night’s Community Dinner, during which I passed around housemate Adam’s ethereal photo of Shadow, was an offering of his dear sweet soul to the tribe. It helps to share the burden of grief; and most people who were at yesterday’s twice-monthly Dinner were very familiar with Shadow and also loved him dearly. So the news of his death came as a shock.

After standing around and talking . . .

. . .we always “circle up” prior to sitting down to dinner, standing, holding hands.  This circle was devoted to the little guy, and I shared with them the story of how he died,  the events leading up to it, the wonderful vet, and the burial in the garden across from the patio where we meet.

Shadow always knew when it was Community Dinner day; his little tribal self would get excited, hours beforehand. And of course he loved to be out there with us, begging food drops, and usually getting them.

One final shot: in his little bed, under a small table, next to my special chair.




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