“I’m not religious, but I AM spiritual . . .”

Not sure what brought the subject up, but yesterday I was speaking with a friend, and mentioned that “I’m not religious, but I am spiritual.” Meaning, basically, that not only do I not “go to church,” (she does, and sits there bored, restless; but the idea of not going fills her with guilt), but I have trouble with any kind of doctrinal attitude that aims to clamp down the meaning of life with mere words.

(Speaking of guilt: As a recovering Catholic, I refer to guilt as our “social glue,” what holds us together. Alan Watts on guilt: “The Catholic Church instituted guilt as a virtue.” Exactly. )

She countered: “Well, me too. But you can still be spiritual and believe in Jesus.”

“Well, if you wish!” I responded. Then added that I have no idea how to use words to convey the ineffable, that the underlying nature of reality is way more mysterious than I could ever be capable of articulating.

She got it.

Good. No need to argue!

In the aftermath of that “god awful” Opening Ceremony at this year’s Olympic Games, I am increasingly aware of how Christianity is being used to fight back against Satanism. As if it’s one or the other. As if the only way to fight off Satanic energy is to invoke Christianity. I find this attitude absurd. Both exist. Both exist inside the universal, invisible, elan vital, the ground of all being. And, as (immortal?) souls currently occupying material bodies (i.e., as tiny pieces of infinity — note the contradiction: how can infinity have pieces?), we tend to get caught up in thinking we have to “pick a side,” to choose between polarities, as to which is real, or good, or preferable, etc.

I have a sense that if we just stop giving Satanism any of our triggered emotional energy, it would just fade away. Same with Christianity. We can’t let one go without letting go of the other also as THE (one and only) TRUTH. Both are features of a playful universe, doing numbers on us humans, who can’t seem to help ourselves take the bait.

A dose or two of Alan Watts helps here . . .





Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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