In Late 2022, Some Rants Are Justified . . .


The steal, this time, was so blatant that my optimistic Sagittarian self assumes it must be the final rub-in-your-face to the still complacent normies of how, unless some kind of massive correction is made, and NOW, this Republic, which assumes citizens freely choose their leaders, is done. Why optimistic? Because, especially when coupled with Trump’s announcement on 11/15/22 that he is again a candidate for U.S. President (but when; many commentators have pointed out that he didn’t actually say the word “2024” during his Mar-A-Lago speech), extreme cognitive and emotional dissonance infects us immediately when we recognize that Trump’s running again will mean NOTHING if elections continue to be stolen.

Beside, 2024? Are you kidding? At the rate this nation is dissolving, thanks to inflation (which will drive up price of everything, to the point where the trucks won’t run (and besides, aren’t they due to run out of diesel by Thanksgiving?), food won’t get to stores, energy won’t be delivered to homes in the dead of winter — all of which will lead to starvation and at the very least internal chaos, especially considering the long overrun border by cartels, thieves, traffickers, fentanyl, etc. — let’s face it: we won’t “make it” to 2024.

So . . . I presume the “white hats,” if they exist, including Trump, have something up their sleeve to remedy our seemingly impossible situation. But whatever it is, Trump warned us in his unusually low-key announcement speech, we face a difficult future in the near-term. Here’s the way Clif High parses it:

Oh, and then there’s the continuing fallout from the vax — with all sorts of diseases and debilities overtaking compromised immune systems; with “dies unexpectedly” notices in local papers on a near-daily basis.

And then there’s the long-expected global financial/political collapse, its finale likely ignited already by the sudden, total crash of the SBF/ FTX ponzi fraud.

Oh yeah, and Ukraine, Taiwan . . . U.S./NATO warmongering . . .

Meanwhile, this morning, sitting at the kitchen table with my young friend Dan, who lived here for five years and, at a precocious 31 years of age, is already beginning to show signs of actually following his own nature (and so, of course, nature is taking care of him), he mentioned that he was reading a book by Chris Hedges. “Oh yes,” I responded, beginning to rant myself. “I remember him from 2011; he came onto my radar during the Occupy Movement. Was thrilled to hear him speak — one big truth after another flowing from his extremely concerned and eloquent lips — .But then, as time went on, I realized that he was unequivocally pessimistic, and that his pessimism kills the soul. So I turned away, though he stayed on the edges of my radar . . . Then, a few years later, I noticed that Chris actually mentioned permaculture. He had visited a farm? He had spoken to someone, or read some book? Can’t remember, but he was excited. This was the very first time I had ever seen him excited, even hopeful! I assumed he had turned a corner. That there would be more. But no . . . So I turned away forever.”

“What I focus on is to know full well the evil in which we are embedded, and then, against all odds, to create a little island of regeneration, a lotus blossom inside the rotting muck. Such as our little Green Acres Permaculture Village. You know damn well that little experiments like this are already popping up all over. And that each one inspires others.”

Here’s my latest interview, from 2020:

Retrofitting Community: Remaking Life in the Midwest Suburbs

So: if Clif is right, and if Trump is right, then these next few months, and even years, will be unimaginably difficult; and yet, given the intrepid human spirit, we WILL prevail, despite whatever global edicts the WEFFERS try to lasso us into meanwhile.


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