One of our GAPV residents told me this morning of a recent dream in which a blue, yellow, and white backdrop was waving behind a bunch of kids performing on their instruments with their parents by their sides. In the dream she was critical of the mistakes of individual instruments, but did recognize that when considered as a whole, the music was beautiful. Another part of her dream let her know that she was stifling her own creativity with her critical ego. Which reminds me: A dear friend of mine had a dream recently and she says I was in it, joyously twirling a gigantic, blue and white colored umbrella.

The point of both dreams, for me, is that sheer, uninhibited aliveness is what the world needs now, especially now. See this:

While I may quibble with Vaughan-Lee’s  geo-political views (I tend to assume he has been indoctrinated into what mainstream news wants us to think about Ukraine and “climate change”), these matters are secondary to his main, magnificent Sufi message: that in order to survive, and even thrive, we humans must re-member ourselves, return to our interbeing with the natural world.

Gene DeCode has much the same message in this recent interview.

As we return to nature, to our own natural selves, to the inherently messy, ensouled, organic beingness that lies below the sterile A.I.-orchestrated thrust to bring in the A.I.-ruled New World Order (now rebranded as The Great Reset), we will break through even the most intricately enmeshed, far-reaching attempts to algorithmically capture the whole of the natural world. As each of us begins to unleash the creativity that hides within us all, we burst through the indoctrination that forces us to move and see and hear and speak in lockstep with whatever collectivist propaganda is being pushed out now.

And as we do that, as we open our hearts, the unbounded love of the universe begins to sing through us. Though our individual voices sometimes falter, go off-key, that’s how we learn! By “making mistakes!” Each mistake is a stepping stone that, when processed, integrates the fantastic complexity of our beings even further into the unique intricate harmonious tone that the open heart, trusting in the universe, pulses into manifestation.

Each of us has our own particular gift to offer this world, and it is born, nurtured, expressed as we learn to skillfully channel the intensity of our own joyous aliveness.

Imagine, in this next video, that Bobby McFerrin’s gift, to exuberantly and skillfully orchestrate everyone within his spontaneous reach, is one expression of the aliveness that each of us is invited to erupt inside our own open-hearted selves. This aliveness seeks to be born, over and over again through each of us. “Energy is eternal delight!” — William Blake. And no matter what our own unique gift — whether it be to nurture and shelter the vulnerable — young, or sick, or old; whether it be to express through language, dance, paint, film, sculpture, architecture, landscape design down to tiny little sacred spaces peopled with icons; whether it be to name, describe, map, heavens above, or microworlds below in 3D, 4D, 5D and beyond, while instructing students of the same; whether it be to ignite and/or run a human-made event or institution with clarity and co-creative vision or to commune and learn from a wild ecosystem with humility and openness; whether it be to love everyone we come across, no matter who they are or what their status, even the insane, the homeless, the addicted; whether it be to teach others via our own stories of having lived a conscious life and/or to listen closely, as a welcome mirror in any relationship; all these, and every other singular gift that we offer to the mystery of creation participates harmoniously in the intense aliveness that thrums through the whole.

As we follow our own intuitive guidance, via dreams, journaling, synchronicities; as our own unique gifts begin to peek out, and with our soul’s encouragement find their way — suddenly! or slowly, little by little — into full expression, SO WILL OUR NEW WORLD BE BORN

Thus does the dreaded nuclear mushroom cloud


to symbolize the explosion of human creativity. 







  1. Funny, I have my New Moon in Taurus post scheduled to go up, and within it I feature an image by William Blake. Nice to see him pop up here, too!

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