Interrupting Patterns for the Greater Good

This morning, on my usual four-mile walk with puppy Scampi, I was nearing home when a neighbor about a block away came out of her house to go to her car. She’s always friendly.

This time, on the spur of the moment, I decided to stir her up. See what would happen . . .

Edging towards her, I asked, “Do you know about chem trails? As distinct from contrails?”

From the look on her face, she clearly didn’t.

“Look up. You see that trail, spreading across the sky against an already nearly misted over formerly blue day due to chem trails criss-crossing earlier this morning? That’s a chem trail. And among other things, it drops aluminum into the sky above us which then rains down and gets into our lungs and into our soil.”

At the mention of “aluminum” she did go on alert.

What’s going on?” I concluded, grinned, and turned back to the sidewalk.


This encounter made me decide that I would begin do this once a day, if the opportunity arose: alert a “normie” as to something that’s off, according to their world-view.

This decision goes along with others enacted recently. Starting two months ago, the decision to go into intermittent fasting, by basically, letting go of breakfast entirely, starting to eat at noon, finishing by 6 pm. Gradually moved to an 18-hour window. Initially begun because I had heard that intermittent fasting helps lower high blood pressure (mine was about 140, now already down to 110), I decided to keep going, realizing that when the body is not digesting, it is clearing up debris that clogs it via air, water, food.

This total shift in my daily habit patterns resulted in me seeking more. What can I change that would be for the good — of my body, my mind, my emotions, my soul, the world around me?


Screen time is core addiction. I’ve been addicted to “the news” since I was five years old. Okay. Begin a gradually lengthening screen fast.

Last Sunday I was off-screen for 10 hours. This Sunday, tomorrow, I want to increase that screen fast to 12 hours, including during my 1-2 pm nap. (Nap time and nighttime have always included ipad to find news to listen to).  The ultimate goal is to be 48 hours off-screen, every weekend, night and day. Who knows how long that will take. Tiny steps, one or two at a time.

All this, to begin the four-year process of interruptive transit Uranus now at 27° Taurus, which has already crossed over 23° Taurus Moon, on its way to it’s first return to its own natal place at 84 years, 1°35 Gemini and opposed to 2°42 Sagittarius, then on to 7° Gemini Saturn. Perfect timing for deliberately interrupting and changing former, lifelong patterns.

The larger goal: to be as fully present as possible, for the remainder of my time in this body.

P.S. So no post tomorrow. Return on Monday.


Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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