Is Trump the VAX VILLAIN?

I have a sense that we’re about to find out if Trump himself has been trapped, OR: if he’s about to play the Trump Card.

Why do I say that? Because the Dems have now fingered Donald Trump as the VAX VILLAIN, the one to blame, for the Covid Con.

Mike Adams and Alex Jones were all over this story, with Alex giving Trump “until September 23” at 5 pm to publicly condemn the vaccines and the people behind it.”

Question: Why that particular date and time?

Here’s Mike Adams:

All of which means, of course, as Tucker put it, gleefully, that we can now actually talk about the horrific data that attends the Covid “vaccines.” Because, now, of course! — it’s all Trump’s fault! Even the Dems, especially the Dems, will now be eager to hear the gory details about both deaths and adverse effects caused by the vax that most of them, by the way, did take. Thus Tucker proceeds to spend the first fifteen minutes of his 8/25/22 broadcast dropping data points that we purebloods, and those who took only one shot and swore not to take another, having done our research, are already familiar with.

Tucker Carlson, 8/25/22: Well, They Finally Got Big Orange

Hmmm . . . you might even say that we’ve reached another juncture (this one unfortunate) where the entire nation may unite, because  Trump (has agreed to?) serve (temporarily?) as the fall guy for the vaccines.

I keep wondering what about the role Dr. Birx plays in this long sorry saga. In her book she confesses that she manipulated data, and outs her boss Tony Fauci, too:  both as chronic liars. HAS SHE MADE A DEAL? Here are a few quotes, for more see this:

I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines . . .

No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it.

I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them.


Like other contrarians who can no longer be mind controlled, I was onto this MK Ultra cultural psy-op from the very beginning, thanks to three clues: the pandemic simulation in the Fall of 2019, the use of F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) to roll out “the pandemic” all over the world at once, plus all the measures repeated, over and over again, to “slow the spread” were actually counterintuitive. Then, of course, pre-vax, there was the fact that the PCR tests can ramp up amplifications to create “positive cases;” that many dying “from Covid” were actually dying “with Covid” (from co-morbidities); that Remdesivir and respirators not only didn’t help, but actually killed many hospitalized patients . . . on and on, the genocidal implications of the Covid Con became abundantly clear to anyone who took the time to investigate — even prior to the vax.

Plus, again, early on, remember that Trump pointed out the virtues of HCL, Ivermectin, and Chlorine Dioxide, only to be roundly ridiculed.

And, it may be true that he was determined to get the vax out quickly so as to not lock down (and thus completely destroy) society for ten years, which is, apparently what had been intended.

Moreover, because the vax was rolled out under Emergency Use Only, no one could be physically forced to take the vax.

So. has Trump been trapped? Or has Trump been baiting the Dems all along with his many encomiums to the vax and Operation Warp Speed, in just about every speech he gives. I’m sure he damn well knows that Trumpers refuse to go along with his advice to get the vax; that in fact, they sometimes boo him for praising it.

Frankly, I have a sense that he has been baiting the deep state to try to trap him as Vax Villain all along. That it has finally taken hold after the MAL raid, is likely significant in the timing of the whole.

Just what will transpire next will, I’m sure, leave us all in stunned surprise.

P.S. I still wonder: have he and his family been vaxxed? Some say that Ivana was vaxxed, and that her heart attack and fall down the stairs was the result.








5 thoughts on “Is Trump the VAX VILLAIN?

  1. If memory serves, Donald Trump’s initial public comments regarding the
    vax were essentially that the decision to be vaxxed should be a personal decision and comments to the contrary were attributed to him either in the lead-in or the aftermath of 2020.

    The roles that Fauci & Birx played in the Covid Scenario seemed a bit convoluted from the beginning. Factor in the CDC and it was difficult at times to know who, among the ‘professionals’, was actially in charge.

    Not totally sure about much these days given the boat-load of contradictory information presently floating about yet surely there are ‘professionals within the official paradigm’ who can set actual dates straight.

    1. As I recall, he still says the decision to get the vax should be up to the individual. And yes, so very difficult to discern what is, might be, and is not, or probably not!

  2. Over a year ago a close friend wondered aloud “would the vax scam-danger-coverup ever be believed or even seen by the ‘normies'” I advised that the turn around would begin with the evil doers blaming Trump for operation warp speed. We may indeed lose DJT to this bs but the dam now has very large and irreparable crack. 1. White hat vax and corruption info is now overwhelming the lame tech and msm. 2. They will use ANY means to destroy DJT. The Red pilled will see through it. Blue pilled will double down (mass formation is strong in these folk). It’s the middle third of society who haven’t yet faced the choice, that will sway the outcome. “a lie can not live” – MLK
    Thank you for your work Ann

    1. Interesting. Is there a middle third? And if so, about the same size as the other two? I wonder. On the other hand, I agree with everything you say re: the vax, and wonder why I personally never realized that they would try to set Trump up as the fall guy for the vax. Seems obvious, now that it’s happened.

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