Jeffrey Tucker: “Is believing this the triumph of hope over experience? Absolutely.”




The one question Jeffrey Tucker has is why Trump went along with the jab. Perhaps a post/and video I already shared should be considered? And why should it be considered? Because to me it makes total sense of the hundreds of FEMA camps that still dot this great land.

(In fact, about 25 years ago, as a die-hard anti-war activist,I began to learn tai chi, partly because I heard that it can be performed “in the space of a dead cow.” In other words, I could do it even in a prison cell!)

How Trump Saved Humanity from Concentration Camps

Oh waitaminute. Are FEMA camps just another conspiracy theory? When I internet search this phrase, it seems that  “conspiracy theory” (two words in that order pushed by the deep state — I think it was after after Roswell — as a way to get the public to dismiss any but official explanations of anything) is uniformly what the search result leads with . . .

Then there’s X/twitter, which, thanks to Elon, can be counted on to display “both sides” of any controversy — and then some? (Search “FEMA Camps” there.) If you’re not on X/twitter yet, please do join. It does seem to be the only free speech platform we’ve got at the moment. Where individuals can insert wildly divergent opinions with posts that supposedly back up their claims, and get equally, often wildly divergent feedback. In other words, yes: Chaos! As befits this early Pluto in Aquarius phase. (Pluto officially enters Aquarius from Capricorn tomorrow, for 20 years!)

WE ARE the news now. And it’s up to each of us, as a sovereign being, as an autonomous individual, to continuously deepen and widen our capacity for discernment without assuming absolute certainty on anything!  . . . Even so, we must act, and for that we must engage the will! Our future depends on our free will choices NOW, one after another after another! (See below.)

Why is it up to us? Because the MSM has been destroyed, its death throes visible as the results of the election sink in: what was supposed to be a razor-then majority, either way, was instead, a landslide. A tsunami. I do wonder if that’s why we haven’t seen any real push-back yet; “the other side” is simply, still, stunned at how its propaganda arm completely failed to persuade the vast majority of Americans!

Oops! Spoke too soon?


So here we are. Is this black swan event we figure is incoming to be the big kahuna since Hiroshima 1947? Nuclear World WAR III? Is that their game plan?

Is it true that some people are so impossibly narcissistic that to commit suicide is to take out the entire world, rather than be personally exposed and punished accordingly?

Here’s an interesting current compendium of these developments and reactions to them.

Oh, but wait. Isn’t it the case that nuclear war is impossible, due to more advanced beings (from elsewhere?) not allowing it, ever, because it would contaminate not just Earth, but space? See UFOs and Nukes, 2017 book by Robert Hastings.

On X/twitter, this (apparently? and I do think so) larger perspective  is well represented by Kab.

Okay. Back to Earth. Sort of . . .

Here’s a wonderfully engaging thread that I just came across today that reminds me of Jeffrey Tucker’s optimism, but with an entirely other set of (Q-ish) data points leading up to how we got to where we are now and what we, the people, decree lies ahead.

Again, hope over experience? Absolutely.





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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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