Juan O Savin: The Brunson Brothers Bomb is ALREADY a “Loaded Gun”


It’s a rare interview when Juan O Savin gets right to his? (the?) point, heads straight into  approaching rapids, rather than drifting into side eddies that tax the patience. Grateful. And very instructive, as were the questions utterly pertinent.

Caveat: I do remember times when Juan was totally wrong, the latest being his conjecture that the 2022 mid-term elections would be either cancelled or postponed. But this time? The timing, and the context, especially that the four Brunson’s are trumpeteers, feels downright uncanny.

According to Juan, the current Supreme Court, which recently proved itself courageously conservative with the 5-4 ruling to overturn Roe v Wade, now has a “loaded gun,” pointed right at 385 members of Congress and the Senate, plus Biden, Harris, and Pence — all of whom are implicated in going against the U.S. constitution, by refusing to agree to a formal request — by Ted Cruz, 12 other senators, and over 100 house members — for a ten day pause to investigate possible election fraud before certifying the 2020 election.

Yes, they refused. Which meant that, on January 6 2021, when the vote was to be officially certified, a date that had lured millions to D.C. in joyous anticipation that it would NOT be certified, the evil deed was done, and two years of hell (so far) commenced. 

According to Juan, If and when the Scotus loaded gun goes off, then these traitorous, treasonous folks will be abruptly terminated from their profitable, often decades-long, political positions. And he thinks it’s very likely that it will go off, given that Scotus, which has already demonstrated its cojones by overturning Roe v Wade, thus incurring/enduring the wrath of the woke, actually pushed, in several ways, to get this seemingly insignificant Brunson case before it ASAP.

While listening, I kept wondering about the much bally-hooed January 6 2023 date.

But Juan didn’t mention it. Not sure why. (Was the video actually created before the case came onto the Scotus docket? This often happens with beforeitsnews.com videos. The date they are put up is NOT the date they were made. False advertising.)

In any case, the main point Juan makes here is that the gun is already loaded, and, if it goes off, and no matter when it goes off, there’s nothing they can do about it. Their gooses are cooked. 



Confession: I didn’t quite grok why the “gun” is already “loaded.”

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