JUPITER IN GEMINI: Astrological Timing of Julian Assange Release

BTW: the reason he’s going to a remote island to do the official deed tomorrow of agreeing to plead “guilty” to one count in exchange for his freedom, is because he needs to do it on U.S. territory, and sure as hell doesn’t want to land in a plane anywhere on the U.S. mainland. But get this:

His incarceration, 12 years long, and for the last five years, in solitude at Belmarsh for 23 hours per day in a 2 x 3 meters cell, both began and ended in June (2012 – 2024), when Jupiter the planet of benevolence, luck, opportunity, in early Gemini, sign of ideas, words, communication, information, conjunct his very disciplined, serious, dutiful natal Saturn.


Note that his natal chart features, in an extremely strong manner, a conjunction/opposition across the horizontal Ascendant/Descendant axis of the chart, where he personally meets the world (Ascendant) and where the world meets him (Descendant).

Just think how rare this is, this concatenation of three, not personal (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars), but further out, slower moving planets (two social, one generational), all in a line, and all lined up on the eastern/western horizon, which moves one degree every four minutes. This astonishing synchronicity was clearly designed by a very old soul. Julian had to be born when he was, destined to grow up and do what he did — in order to serve and fulfill his own, very public, life purpose. Had to both enlighten and sacrifice himself, for all of humanity.

The Ascendant features two planets, one the other “social” planet (besides Saturn), Jupiter, in late Scorpio, just above the Ascendant in the hidden 12th house, where he could not help but dig deep, and relentlessly, into the massive undercover corruption at every level that has held humanity  in its grip.

The planet on the Ascendant, and I mean exactly on the Ascendant, is that of his generation, which is usually experienced unconsciously, but in his case, engaged personally: idealistic, visionary, spiritual, self-sacrificing in the interests of the whole, NEPTUNE, at 2° of philosophical, large perspective Sagittarius.


KEYNOTE: The mobilization of unconscious energies under the pressure of superpersonal motives. 

In symbolism, the wind (pneuma is the early Greek word for “spirit”) is associated with spiritual dynamism; the stirring of deep energies this dynamism produces obeys cosmic or superpersonal rhythms, the power of which is irresistible.

Julian couldn’t help but do what he did. And the world owes him unlimited gratitude. It’s time for him to finally leave his incalculably enormous fruitful role in the glare of the punishing public eye, to be safe and secure in private, with wife Stella and young children who have never known their father except behind bars.

Perfect, for this astonishing public figure who played such a world-changing role for so long; at last he can finally relax into the intimacy and nourishing womb promised by his hugely sensitive Sun in emotional Cancer.

May he recover from his unbelievably punishing ordeal, and be allowed an authentically private life.

Hey, and . . .

Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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