Is it time to flesh in, for the normies, one long-running “conspiracy theory” — that many famous politicians and others are actually dopplegangers, doubles, actors, clones, i.e. not the real, original, flesh-and-blood person?

This blew up last night. Saw versions of it all over social media. Two appearances within two hours, one the usual slitty eyed, the other wide-eyed and staring.

All versions and interpretations focus on the eyes. Wait a minute! We thought Buy-den had slitty eyes! But in one video they’re wide open, staring, in fact, he (or it?) didn’t blink for a total of 42 seconds? Or was it 33, or 20 seconds .  . .

Hmmm . . . did Dr. Jill administer a double or triple dose of whatever it is she spoonfeeds him to briefly rev him up? Tucker thinks so, and says, tongue-in-cheek, that “whatever he’s taking ought to be publically available to all of us.”

But let’s back up in time. What about the color of the eyes. Blue? Brown? or Black? And the earlobes. Attached or unattached. If I’m not mistaken, the color of his eyes, both wide and slitty versions in the two videos made two hours apart, is either brown or black. But wasn’t the original color blue?


And the ears?


And it’s not just Biden. Many of us have surmised that Trump’s double is the casual one who doesn’t wear a tie but does wear a MAGA hat that obscures his eyes.

But doubles are not nearly as interesting as the possibility of clones . . .

The history of cloning, at least in the public eye, seems to date back to 1997, with the sheep clone Dolly.

So if the public was informed then — the Dolly clone “narrative” trotted out by the MSM for us to pick up on — that means, usually, that whatever they announce as materialized, was usually being worked on for decades before that. How long? Who knows.

Meanwhile, conspiracy theories for many years were rife with stories of underground tunnels where clones were made and stacked, one after another, each one to be brought out when the one before it started to dissipate.

Search <underground tunnels and cloning factories> . . .

Hillary Clinton is another specially good candidate for the theory of clones to replace the original, over and over again. The current Hillary, however, is visibly shorter than usual. Is this because “they” are wanting to alert us now to the fact of body replacements (by whatever means: actors, doubles, clones) and even cgi, like when the pope appeared at the window and then disappeared!

This Creepy Video Showing Pope Francis Vanishing Into Thin Air Has People Believing He’s A Hologram

Wait a minute! What’s the difference between cgi and hologram? I have no idea, but searching around, got waylaid and came across this:

10 Surprising Body Doubles and CGI after Actor’s Death (Michael Jackson and Bruce Lee are the Best)

Back in 1972, when I was “defending” my revolutionary dissertation in front of a committee as the final requirement before being “awarded” the PhD in Philosophy, I was asked, “Well, Ms Kreilkamp, you say, ‘There’s a fine line between fiction and fact’. Okay, give us an example.” (I could tell that he thought he had me, with that question.) Immediately, I blurted out, “My son Colin, who is five years old, asked the other day, “Mom, which is more real, my dreams or yesterday?”

That was the final question. The entire process came to a sudden, embarrassed halt. “Okay, you can go into the other room.”

I went. Ten minutes later, the chairman of the department walked in where I was waiting with bated breath, and announced, okay, we’ll award you the PhD. But only if you change the title. The original title? “This Is Not A Book about Wittgenstein.” They changed it, not me; to something innocuous.

Which is more real? I have no idea. Back then, I just said to him, “What a good question, Colin!”

The line between fiction and fact has now blurred to the point where only our gut instinct can be used to distinguish what is real, what is not. And to operate with gut instinct, we must be centered, as sovereign souls, inside our own bodies, reaching through them to the natural world.




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