LAF Meditation, November 14, 2021: We experience a distinct, watershed moment

Old friend Janet in South America and I in North America got together a bit late for our scheduled weekly 8 AM phone call/meditation today, due to the fact that I didn’t arrive home from long walk with puppy Shadow until a few minutes after 8 AM. Told her, “give me five minutes (so I could gather my candle, bell, and sage stick, set them up on my little altar), and I’ll call you back.”


This time we both noticed a very distinct watershed moment, signalled by the fact that we forgot to do the customary howling first. Each of us was about a minute into our separate meditations when we suddenly remembered it, and realized,  separately and together: well, that’s because we are no longer supposed to howl, no longer need to hold anybody’s hand by communing with their pain in suffering the F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) that has captured them. LOVE ALCHEMIZES FEAR, yes. And whereas before, we found ourselves wanting to first move into the horrific emotionality of what the fearful ones are actually going through, in order to best help them alchemize the depths of the collective gunk wherein they have tended to get mired, and then blast out, periodically, through projection, what is going on inside them, no . . .

This time, we were to immediately insert enormous surging waves of powerful, electric, harmonic, magnetic energy into all of Earth’s collective psychic space both above and below; to thus insert brilliant, joyful, toning, loving song and thus simply overwhelm the F.E.A.R, wash it away.

Both of us felt this shift, though our processes differed slightly.


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