Amazingly enough, I “forgot” that yesterday was Beltane Eve when I posted a decidedly Beltane-ish post.


This morning, a friend of mine reminded me of the date, by telling me of an extremely painful knee injury she endured on Beltane Eve.

This holy Beltane morning, was walking alone (puppy Shadow is still somewhat hampered by his joint issue), through a beautiful, tree-and-songbird-filled neighborhood, when around a bend I saw, just ahead, an animal control truck and a police car, with officers standing in the road, and a deer up above on a lawn. “What’s up?” I asked. “Are you trying to control that deer? If so, how?” My tone of voice was curious. Both officers were measured and polite.

“That one,” one of them pointed to the ground, only five feet behind me! The live deer’s mate, or mom; neither had antlers and the one above  a bit smaller) lay crumpled on the ground. No blood. Her head, however, was up, very much alive, eyes wide, whites showing, moving from one person to the other, staring, as if in a permanent startle.

Of course I was taken aback, intensely empathic with the deer.

The animal control officer said, “we have to put it down,” as the policeman approached closer (probably the one with the (hidden) gun). I knew they wanted me to leave first, so I did, filled internally with the sight of the doe’s permanently startled eyes, wishing her well on her way through the sacred exit zone.

At the corner about a hundred feet ahead, where I was about to turn, I looked back, only to see the officer looking at me; I waved, as if “it’s okay, go ahead, shoot.” He waved back, “No, you go on your way first.” So I did.

A few moments later, a single shot. That doe’s eyes stared at me all the way home.

Yesterday evening, Beltane Eve, Marita came in to tell me her mother is now actively dying, and she will be heading north to be with her mom and family tomorrow, along with her 14-year-old son Nicolas. She had avoided having him with her during these last long months of periodically sitting at her demented dying mother’s side.

“Rattled breathing?” I asked.


“She’ll probably be gone before you get there . . . Are you going to let Nicolas see her, whether alive or dead?

She looked hesitant.

“Please give him the choice.”

“Should I warn him if he is interested that she’s curled into fetal position and 40 pounds skinnier?”

“Yes. Warn him, and let him make up his own mind.”

“O.K. I will, thank you.”


WAIT A MINUTE! Isn’t Beltane all about springtime, new life, the blossoming, the flourishing?

If so, then why do I now focus on death and dying?

Allow me to approach this question on two levels. First, astrological, and next, metaphorical/synchronistic/prophetic(?).

Astrological: Pluto, at 0° Aquarius for a brief sojourn, is about to turn to go Rx and head back into late Capricorn; in fact, it will do so tomorrow, May 2. Any time a planet stops to turn and go in the opposite direction its influence increases for the few days surrounding the day it turns. If you want more on what this turning might mean, I invite you go to to Laura Bruno’s site, where she and an astrologer friend Timothy Glenn discuss the situation via two videos. (I’ve not had a chance to watch these yet.)

If Pluto has to do with the divine life force itself, filling and flowing through various material forms, via the birth/life/death process, then perhaps my experience this morning and yesterday evening, both of which focused on death during this springing up Beltane time is indicative of what this culture has yet to learn. For it is true, so very true, that we ignore death as much as possible, while aiming to prolong our lives as long as possible. Death is the final taboo, the final F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). Were it not for our culture’s pervasive, miasmic terror of dying, the deep state could not have pulled off the covid con.

Okay, now put this in the context of my experience today, Beltane.

But first, let’s widen that context: As of this morning further consolidation of the banking system, in preparation for long-planned centralized control of the whole world:

Those of us who have been following Clif High’s predictions are not at all surprised. The banking crisis IS the financial crisis, which now has put the formerly hegemonic American Empire in thoroughly karmic free-fall.

Yes. Here we are, privileged to be alive and witness the collapse of yet another war-mongering empire, one that has transacked, ruined, transmogrified countless countries and still has 800 military bases operating around the world!

So, in terms of this morning’s “deathing” experience, I tend to see it this way, as both metaphor and prophecy:

The deer (the system) has fallen, immobilized. No blood visible, and head up, wide-eyed, startled, staring, moving restlessly from one figure to another. The deer’s head is us, the public, sensing that the life force which has driven our economic/military/industrial/medical/academic/political system (the deer’s body) is suddenly immobilized (symbolized by takeover of First Republic bank), and we are extremely scared.

How shall we view the animal control officer and policeman? Are they good guys or bad guys? If good guys, it’s because they will quickly stop the pain with a bullet. If bad guys, it’s because . . .  hmmm . . . because we are immobilized, paralyzed by F.E.A.R. and looking to them to save us? Looking, as usual, for an outside hero to ride to our rescue? If so, then the good guys are just like the bad guys, in fact, they are the bad guys in disguise.

Okay, enough of the doom and gloom. Let’s instead common-sense. Use our common-sense. Use our sensing in common. Policeman, animal control officer, downed, about-to-be-killed deer and his mate, and me, we’re all here, alive, present in the material world in spring time, sensing in common the sounds of the birds, flying through the trees, singing their hearts out, joyfully.

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