LET US CONSIDER: Food and Other Forms of Taurean Security at the Upcoming New Moon

I tried to make fun of the latest F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) porn in this post — at least in the title. And, by mentioning that I read that there are actually 19,000 such centers in the U.S. (true?), I attempted to throw this latest scare into perspective.


On the other hand, the prospect of globalists using the threat of and/or the reality of (whether accidental, natural, or designed) food shortages to invoke fear of famine and thus drive the public once again (think covid) into submission, compliance, and hoped for total control, is, or does appear to be, plausible, given that, you bet, it’s been done before.

Mike Adams, a prepper who tends towards “doomer” mentality, recently held an interesting interview with Celeste Solum, a woman who used to work for FEMA. She claims that indeed, we are being ushered into New World Order enslavement — those of us that survive the depop agenda, that is; most will not. She claims that FEMA camps are where we’re headed; furthermore, she claims that only 3% of the American public that is armed will actually resist! To which Adams countered: Even so, that’s 3 million Americans.

Here’s another possible perspective on the food processing plants going down . . . Hopium? Or setting a clear, strong intention. I much prefer the latter. In other words, just as the deep state works by inversion, so can we, using their weapons against them.


Meanwhile, what better time than coming into this coming Saturday’s New Moon/Partial Eclipse in Taurus to be taking seriously the need to store extra food and water, to grow our own food and/or support local farmers, to get to know, cooperate and share with our neighbors — and so on; all necessary to survive what is likely to be a gathering storm, a tumultuous time (months? years?) on our dear mother planet.

Plus, of course, let us remember — no matter how much we tend to be triggered by fear and/or hatred into whoozy imbalance — that each time we must, once again, re-member ourselves, notice that’s what we are doing: we are allowing ourselves to be triggered. And from there, we stop, breathe long and slow and deep; we put ourselves back together again, body, mind, spirit, within soul.

YES. Let us center, deeply within the open heart, inhaling simultaneously from both Heavens Above and Earth Below to circulate through the heart and radiate overflowing heartfelt Love into the world, dissolving polarity.

YES. Let us become like a tree, our roots deep into the soil, trunk straight and strong, branches waving in the wind, leaves seeking the Sun — and waving, smiling, cheerful! “Good morning!” “Hello!”

The sign of Taurus is the most earthy earth sign; as such, it values physical and emotional security above all: thus the primal need for sustenance, food and water to keep body and soul together.

Let us Love our Dear Mother Earth! Let us Stand, Root in, and Walk upon her! Let us Feel Her Nurturing Goodness.

This sensual Taurus Full Moon will feature startling, change agent Uranus (in Taurus for seven years, 2019-2026) only four degrees from Sun/Moon. Will this New Moon vibrate us into our primal connection with Earth? Will we thus begin to recognize that our own bodies are made of Earth, that they are ONE with her? That there is no separation? The theme of the celebration of truly earthy, grounded union is further emphasized by fully five planets (Mars, Neptune, Venus, Jupiter, Chiron) in watery, oceanic, forms-dissolving-into-the-void Pisces, plus: Loving Venus and generous Jupiter exactly conjunct, only two minutes apart! at 27° 55 and 27°55 Pisces. Our union spreads far and wide, to encompass all the suffering souls who people this planet; to encompass all other earthly creatures; to encompass the winking stars in the dead of night. All are embodied in the One. Each of us a sovereign soul at one with all.

Sabian Symbol for Venus/Jupiter at 28° Pisces: A Gentle Garden Under the Full Moon. Full Moon = full illumination, paradoxically integrating with New Moon in Taurus. Thus, New beginnings of Full Illumination: we sit in the gentle garden under the Full Moon at this New Moon contemplating which actions to take without having to act on any of them until the situation ripens, when “nature calls” us to action. For she will: once our bodies are synchronized with the wild, ageless wisdom of the nurturing earth body, we will know exactly what to do, where and when.

2 thoughts on “LET US CONSIDER: Food and Other Forms of Taurean Security at the Upcoming New Moon

  1. The permaculturist/magician Gordon White is expressing something similar – setting intentions – he quotes Ursula LeGuin (calls her Grandmother Ursula) and Charles Eisenstein – “how you play is what you win”. Play war, famine, scarcity – or play right thought/right heart/right action.

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