LET US SHINE, fully and without ceasing, at this Summer Solstice moment!

Happy Summer Solstice, folks! And let us recognize, that on this powerful day, 2024, what the Sun at 0° Cancer specifically illuminates is what appears as our common confusion, symbolized by Neptune, now at the 29° Pisces. Our confusion as to “what is really going on” is required, if we are to remain demoralized, and thus food, loosh, for the DS agenda’s continuing failed attempts to kill most of us off and reduce the rest to transhumanist bot slaves.

Today’s difficult, 90° square between Sun and Neptune, both in emotional, watery signs, one at the beginning, the other at the very end, is nearly exact. (Exact yesterday, on the 19th.) Neptune’s confusion can be transformed into Neptunian spaciousness, oneness, equanimity — if we can, or can learn to,  learn to remain centered in the maelstrom.

And the way to do this is both simple, invisible, and seemingly impossible.

The way to do this is to harmonize, allow the fear-full currents to flow through and around us without issue.

The way to do this lies inside us, with every breath we take.

Today’ post is basically a follow-up from yesterday’s post, what I consider to be the necessity to get and stay aware on all levels, internal and external, no matter what the cognitive and/or emotional dissonance, and especially, no matter how much we are encouraged to contract into fear.

First, get a load of this. Paul Craig Roberts who I see as similar to Mike Adams, their common tendency towards doomerism. Even so, we do need to keep in mind his noting of the unusually hair trigger astonishing possibilities of this moment.

What would happen if this event of 41 years ago happened today?

So yes, breathe.

And remember . . .

Furthermore . . .

And let’s go further, shall we?

The more we can quiet ourselves down, the easier it is to feel the upwelling of the heart. For . . .

And guess what! As above, so below. Our heartfelt love, expressing fully and openly, reveals an inner Sun, ceaseless shining at the Summer Solstice moment.









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