LOOKING AHEAD (and Behind): As usual, “it’s a process”


My friend Laura sent me her post on the coming Full Moon a few days ago, and I was so taken with it that I said I’d put it up too, as soon as she did. So here goes.

BTW: she uses minor points (asteroids, etc.) much more than I do. Not surprising, since she’s a Gemini, with more focus on details. As a double Sagittarian (opposite Gemini) I can’t help but focus on “the big picture,” utilizing planets, their sign and house positions and configurations, with emphasis especially on their relations to the angles of the chart (Ascendant/Descendant horizontal; Midheaven/Immum Coeli vertical).

Full Moon in Gemini — December 7-8, 2022

Please pay attention to the Sabian symbol for the Moon in her chart reading. I will also offer another Sabian symbol in this post.

And I quote, directly from her post:

December 7 Full Moon in Gemini, 11:08 p.m. Eastern US time. This “Long Nights Moon” almost exactly conjuncts Mars in the 16th degree of Gemini. Rounding up to 17 Gemini, the Sabian Symbol for this conjunction is: THE HEAD OF A ROBUST YOUTH CHANGES INTO THAT OF A MATURE THINKER. Dane Rudhyar calls this “a process of MENTAL METAMORPHOSIS.” This Full Moon/Mars conjunction happens right between the US natal Descendant and the US natal Mars, meaning questions about relationships, war, and known enemies are “up” for the United States. With double Mars involvement, answers to these questions will demand decisive action.

Saturn in Aquarius loosely trines the Full Moon. The day prior, the Full Moon’s ruler–Mercury–enters Capricorn, which Saturn rules. This double whammy of Saturn energy adds to the “maturity” theme. The next month pushes us to grow up, especially in the mental realm. As new information arises, we can’t stomp our feet like children having a temper tantrum or youths spouting off. Instead, our minds will need to accommodate sober concepts and revelations.

Mars conjunct the Full Moon in Gemini suggests the idea of “information warriors” bringing worldview changing details to light. The Sabian Symbol adds to this Mars energy with a KEYNOTE: The transformation of physical vitality into the power to build concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can be transferred. We will see increased fights to “control the narrative.” Such battles may include strategically tossed “grenades” that explode former talking points. Gemini rules early childhood education, so tensions between parents and School Boards could also increase at this time.


Okay, now let’s look at the chart for the Full Moon, set for Washington DC.


That unusually exact Mars/Moon conjunction during the Full Moon really packs a punch, especially notable since it’s in the 10th house of the path (as set for D.C.) and so very very visible. Previously hidden info gushing out from everywhere, like a gigantic official narrative pipe that is springing a hundred leaks at once, and no matter how much scrambling to fix the holes, the leaks quickly saturate the collective atmosphere.

Now, let’s add  another Sabian symbol to the mix, this one for the Sun: 17° Sagittarius:


Keynote: The culturally stimulating longing for group participation in the process of rebirth.

[This longing thus offers] direction, meaning, and through group action, a greater dynamic intensity.

The obvious keyword here, is REBIRTH.


Imagine yourself among the thousands (millions?) of “anons” who have been not just following, and trying to make sense of, the many conflicting “narratives” over especially these last three years (ever since the covid con, then slogging painfully through the Biden residency), but many having found their calling as digital soldiers, researchers, par excellence! And boy, do we ever long for cultural rebirth!

But: remember the retrograde action of six out of ten planets this past autumn? They are now, one by one, turning to go direct — Jupiter itself turned SD on November 23, on the same day as the New Moon in Sagittarius, both seeding this upcoming Full Moon. And that occurred just past the Balenciaga scandal (which itself followed and links to the FTX scandal), virally spreading, and subtly and not so subtly and thrusting pedophilia, child trafficking and worse finally into the mainstream limelight. Add to these revelations the shocking film Died Suddenly, released on November 21 with 7 million views in the first 24 hours.

There’s no denying it now. CRIMES. AGAINST. HUMANITY.

Mars and Uranus are due to turn to go direct also, but not until January. More on that below.

Meanwhile let’s move forward to the Winter Solstice chart, because it features Jupiter again, which will have, just one day prior, entered Aries. 0°00 Sun in Capricorn SQUARE (in productive friction with) 0°07 Jupiter in Aries. What is fired up for ignition (Aries) comes up against the resistance of old systems, structures (Capricorn).


Notice: Jupiter at 0° Aries near the Midheaven (and so, in the public eye) squares, almost exactly, the 1° Cancer/Capricorn Ascendant/Descendant axis which itself holds the Sun at 0° Capricorn. In other words, the Winter Solstice moment features the Sun, as it’s setting in the sky, at sunset, a very prominent position, squared off to Jupiter, high above, raining expansion, benevolence, generosity, on one and all. This fight, this creative frisson, between Jupiter and the Sun, between rebirth and statis, the new and the old, will be very much in the public eye, just as the Sun, setting in the sky, paradoxically also begins to lengthen its day during its Solstice rise from the deepest dark.

Okay, now let’s go forward:

Jupiter will remain in Aries only until mid-May 2023, when it moves into Taurus.

BTW: Jupiter went into Aries for the first time in this 12-year cycle, on May 11, 2022, and remained there until October 29, when it segued back into Pisces, for a final sojourn through that sign of dreams, addictions, visions, escapism, and confusion. When it re-enters head-strong, eager Aries on the day before the Solstice, I envision an explosion of energy, courage, and creativity, as pent-up energy from its initial foray into Aries earlier this year finally takes hold and begins to express.

Now to the other planets which are about to go direct:

Mars in Gemini, featured in the upcoming Full Moon chart, turns to go direct on January 12, and will remain in that sign, continuing to, and as it turns, placing even more emphasis upon disgorging bucketfuls of info, disinfo, and misinfo — until March 26, when it reaches Cancer.

Eruptive Uranus in Taurus, which much of this year has been squaring disciplined Saturn in Aquarius, turns to go direct on January 22, 2023. Here we are, still working with the Taurus ground moving under our feet, as financial and other insecurities increase continuously, and this week given an extra punch by the “world’s largest active volcano” in Hawaii going off “for the first time in nearly four decades.”

Slow-moving Uranus which entered Taurus in 2019, will continue to undermine financial, administrative, academic, medical, and other structures we used to take for granted until it begins to leave Taurus for Gemini but that’s not until mid-2025.

Remember folks, this near past, current, and near future Mars/Jupiter/Uranus back and forth process, though utterly destructive of the old, is also immensely fertile, preparing the ground for regeneration, as primal death/rebirth Pluto in structural Capricorn since 2008, inexorably grinds on and on and on, through 2024-25..


P.S. Oh yes, and one more: Mercury, will turn to go Rx at 24° Capricorn, just prior to conjuncting Pluto at 27° Capricorn, and will turn to go SD three weeks later, on January 18, 2023. In other words, Mercury turns SD at about the midpoint of the two dates January 12 (when Mars goes SD) and January 22 (when Uranus goes SD).

So I’d say expect more clarity of purpose, and forward motion, in mid-January, from the 12th through the 22nd.



2 thoughts on “LOOKING AHEAD (and Behind): As usual, “it’s a process”

  1. Interesting the Moon/Mars conjunction Trump’s Uranus at 17 Gemini. Close enough to include his Sun/Node as well. 10th house!

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