MAHA: Make America Healthy Again. YES! For Me, LIFELONG, Daily Walks


I love RFK Jr.’s slogan, MAHA: Make America Healthy Again.

So, let’s get down into the weeds, shall we? Take Lara Logan’s advice, as I did. Watch this video.

She’s right. Extraordinary.

Here’s one tidbit:

Starting in the ’50s, around the time of the “Falk vaccine,” the rise in diagnosis and treatment of cancer has been encouraged by Big Pharma/Big Med, so that its enormous profits could, in part, be laundered to provide money for empire’s endless WARS.

Is Jack Kruse’s dot-connecting another nonsensical “conspiracy theory” soon to be upheld?

Oh, and what about this? The insidious biological effects of ubiquitous xenoestrogens, covered up by political correctness.

Pay attention especially to the final paragraph.

Meanwhile, knowing that no matter what I eat or drink, no matter how well I sleep, like everybody else I’m subject to ubiquitous environmental toxins. Even our organic, permacultured garden receives them from rain and chem trails. There’s no escaping it. So I detoxify, four miles, every morning, via walking.

For me, long daily walks, to help me stay sane, began in 1960, when I was 17, and have continued ever since. That was during my first (and last) “wage slave” 8-5 (summer) job in our local hospital, stuck in a room alone, reformatting and retyping a nurses manual (on a standard non-electric typewriter). On the very first day, rather than accept my mother’s offer to drive me home afterwards, I chose to walk.

Thank goodness I did! Walking two miles home discharged what would have built into horrific fury. (As a double Sagittarian, with Mars also in that fiery sign, I simply must discharge pent-up energy: every. single. day. Still. At 81!)

As a young mother, in my early 20s, I bundled both young sons into the buggy, and walked miles on the cobblestone streets of Cambridge, Mass, no matter what the weather. It was either that or, out of rage and frustration, abuse my sweet children.

Here’s a book chapter from a 1997 manuscript, Ten Tools for Transformation.

TT 2 WALKING and where it leads



Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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