MEME JOURNEY: from Darkness to Light


Looking back  . . .

Yeah, remember this?

Trouble is, not sure how much has changed. I hear about people “waking up,” but don’t see it where I live.

Yeah, and I can’t help but widen the context . . .

Sheee-it! (Hot damn. I’ve had this next meme on my desktop for months. Finally, a place to let it go.)

Oh hell, why worry? Just take a pill, say I to myself absolutely never.

Oh, but let’s put myself in perspective, shall we?

Yep, this paranoid attitude is downright boring, not to mention the perfect example of what I rail against . . .

Yet, let’s not rail against myself either!

Instead, do what these children do.

And what I do, for the past few years, now that I’ve mostly switched from left to right brain dominance . . . Every morning, out for my long walk. What opportunities will I encounter to practice the blessing, and thus lift my own heart in the process?

Just keep going. No matter what. The world transforms into what we perceive it to be.





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