MEME MEDLEY as the year turns . . .


. . . 2022 having transmogrified into the unimaginable, featuring innocent children indoctrinated into CRT gender confusion and medical intervention; featuring innocent children (and their blood, parts, organs) as lucrative global currency, on and on. In this country, the CPS is implicated in child trafficking. And I saw one report yesterday that 9 million children disappear across the globe each year. True?

Given the horror, maybe it’s good that most of the ones we know sit alone in their tiny bedroom cages, screened in . . . but then we might ask, to what? What’s on their screens? To what do they have access? What “narratives” are indoctrinating them?

Meanwhile, there’s the idiotic woke claim that the sex one is born with is not immutable; and in fact, men who “identify” as female can get pregnant. Zowee! Miracles abound!



Oops! Not “politically correct,” Ann.

Okay, well then, let’s get political.

How about this? Will our hopium ever bear fruit?



Well, remembering last week’s Speaker of the House drama, it IS getting heated . . .

As is the outside temperature? Joke? Is this satire?

Meanwhile, the covid con has proved extremely lucrative for the “experts” and “institutions” that “treat” those foolish/innocent enough to beLIEve government/corporate lies, and get the jab. Maybe “dies suddenly” is preferable to endless medical bills?

We should feel fortunate . . . At least here, Big Pharma wants to keep us sick without killing us. Oh . . . except for those treated with remdesivir and respirators in hospitals; and increasingly, except for young ones who die suddenly.


Okay, now to the very latest. Wonder how far the current Biden scandal is going to go, given that the corrupt Department of Justice is “investigating.” PENN-BIDEN THINK TANK. Yeah, sure. Funded by the CCP, and implicating universities, starting with the University of Pennsylvania.



Oh wait! Then there’s Killary, now slated to become a Professor at Columbia. Wonder what she’ll “teach”? And is it really her? And geez, did it take five years to solidify the deal?



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