Meme Morass Mirrors My Mental Muddle


Somehow, huh! — today, my mind has disintegrated into a total muddle. Why? Was it the front page story in today’s Herald-Times about more machete-wearing people seen around town?

I dunno. That might’a done it. In any case, it feels like a machete sliced my brain into a thousand pieces and left them all for the groundhogs we caught this summer — one by one, driving each one 20 minutes to a new forested paradise, two adults and nine babies; two adults still in residence have wised up; refuse to enter the melon-baited cage.

No. We did not machete the ground hogs.

Like many others, I collect memes. Somehow, in this age when discursive thought is being sucked into the deep state swamp, memes offer, well, not a “solution,” or even a description, or explanation, but . . . but. . . a way of pointing to all sorts of disparate notions collected into one weird image that, somehow, “makes sense,” at least for that moment. And not surprising, for anyone who follows this blog, many of the memes I find myself saving have to do with the insidious transmogrification of perception as accomplished through the inversion of language. All of which leads to memes like this.

and this:

Those two are funny. These two are not:

I cannot help but think that the dumbing down of the American education system is largely responsible for all sorts of devolutionary tendencies many of us are noticing. For example:


Here we go again. Identity politics equals political correctness.

Sometimes two psyops overlap, like this one, tying “Ukraine” to trans:

In any case, I can understand if you too feel like your mind has been blended into  a poisonous soup. After all, imagine what we’re up against, on a daily basis, usually without even noticing it.



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