MEME STREAM: “Everything Everywhere All at Once” . . . or, The Great Awakening

Remember that 2022 movie, Everything Everywhere All At Once? I don’t. I do recall that I liked it, kinda . . . But the title? It blew me away, and still does. In fact more and more, in this onrushing continuous tsunami of bullshit rising up from below and smacking us in the face — to then lodge in the heart. Nauseating.

Everything everywhere all at once. This is exactly where we are at, as we head into Red October: Q predicted it: The Great Awakening, the storm Trump was likely always referring to when he called it, enigmatically. And I’m not speaking of Hurricane Helene, although I could be, given that it’s the most obviously egregious current and continuing drama that, a la Maui, once again features dead bodies, weather warfare, corporate land grabs, weird FEMA antics, and so on.


However, of course, a friend emails me that today NYT didn’t even mention Helene on its front page . . .

What? MSM corrupt? Out of touch? Part of the deep state apparatus now crumbling to dust?

As the saying goes: If you know, you know. 

So, meme time again.


Let’s start with and easy one, politics, lapping at the outer edge of the roaring river falling into the turbulent sea of remembering.  Reminds me: Remember the 1994 movie Dumb and Dumber? Hysterically funny. Watched it back then with my sons. (I don’t watch movies anymore, however. Too many possible pedos lurking in them all. Hmmm . . . Jim Carrey?)


Okay. On to deeper levels of “the swamp” that has turned into a ghastly sludgy snaking horror-show . . . How about religion? That seems to be on everybody’s mind these days. Especially Christianity. As if we could return to our Christian roots, all would be well. Oh would it? Remember corruption in the Vatican itself, puleeze. Remember pedophile priests, on and on.

To me, all religions are both designed to polarize as as part and parcel of whatever happened thousands of years ago (as documented in “the bible”) to make us think we’re supposed to adore, obey, cower before, make sacrifices to, one or another “god” or “gods.” (What Clif High identifies as “space aliens.”)  Yuck.

This next post is aligned with my own perspective. It’s not that I think we need to decide which god is the right one and then comply; it’s that we need to realize that god IS the universe. That the universe itself is alive, conscious, and divine. Period. Unfortunately, when humans began to use “words” to convey what was going on inside them, as if they referred to a reality outside them, the seemingly fatal separation began . . .

Animals don’t need words. They remain connected.


So, on to more mundane matters . . .

I, personally, woke up to MK Ultra in a big way when I happened to pick up  Cathy O’Brien’s astonishing 1995 memoir of an MK Ultra slave,  Trance Formation of America, back in the late ’90s. And then, it took me several years to actually absorb the book.  (“What? Sex trafficked to Hillary Clinton?!!” As a good Democrat, Hillary was my hero!)

So I have a smidgen of understanding of just how mind shattering it must be for those who are just now being roughly jolted awake by the onslaught of utterly vile, gross human behavior as documented on social media. Yes. I was an American, born in late 1942, as mind controlled as anyone. Utterly, and seemingly permanently, terrified of the future, ever since I woke up in August 1947, at two years of age, with the horror of Hiroshima.

“No longer capable of critical thinking . . .” The covid con proved nothing had changed. And, yes, zombification is still going on, as evidenced by the woke virus that has seemingly infected the whole of human society as a ongoing prelude to transhumanism.

Meanwhile, have you noticed how many (vaccine damaged) autistic kids are barely in their bodies: skinny, no energy, eat only pasta? And then there’s the opposite: the 73% of Americans who are either fat or worse, obese. WHAT? Big Ag, Big Pharma, Big Med, all love how their seriously addictive “foods” are ruining lives. (Can’t remember where I saw this, but apparently, re: the scientists who were employed by cigarette manufacturers to make ciggies addictive: once that monstrosity was exposed, they moved over to be employed by the “food” industry. Yep, to make food addicts of us all, hopefully, and thus ring in a continuous flow of moolah to the perps.)

Thank you RFK Jr. who has brought MAHA front and center!


Okay. About done. Just strutting all this stored desktop stuff out there, on the morning after another night when I barely slept, helps to calm my natally nervous system.


Now for my own serious addiction: to screens. In this, I’m just as zombified as anyone!

Thinking about another break, off to Canyon Inn with puppy Scampi for a night or two — to wander on wonder-filled forest paths and finish an extraordinary book that has me both riveted, and unable to finish, given the ubiquity of screens.





Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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