MEME THEME: Did I cover all, or most, of the ghastly bases?


While I’m still micro-focused on my son Colin’s Catastrophe, which occurred 39 days ago (see caringbridge for updates), every time I loosen focus to scan “the big apocalyptic picture” I realize that, given the plethora of urgent emergent gawd-awful situations, memes DO manage to snap confusion into clarity, at least briefly. But then, what’s real, what’s fake, whats disinfo, what’s misinfo? Who knows? But here goes:

I remember the day — when was it, a dozen years ago — when I suddenly grokked the extraordinary “value” of blackmail . . . to the evil ones. And yes, it’s time we just call them that, EVIL.

Note: EVIL = LIVE, spelled backwards. The usual inversion.

Blackmailed (and bribed) “experts” can be trusted to tell necessary lies . . .


Timed precisely . .  .

Meanwhile, the kids (and the rest of us) are being bombarded, with “climate change” and other drastic fear-mongering  propaganda, which leaves us confused, demoralized, and ultimately, as the evil ones intend, compliant.

Moreover, we’re continuously bombarded with nasty stuff, in processed “food,” flouride (and other poisons) in tap water, and of course . . .

I just heard that “the pope” is at it again, telling Europe that it is not being overrun by weaponized migration; i.e., that borders are not being erased, that cultures are not being fatally disturbed, that the top-down, centralized, totalitarian New World Order is not coming right up.

This meme is positively delicious!

Oh, and I almost forgot . . . WORLD WAR III!

Not to single out Germany . . .

The US is the world’s big bully: in all it’s 247 years, the U.S has been at war during all but 17 years.







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