Mercury, Saturn both stationary today, turning in opposite directions: “THIS PROJECT FEELS PERSONAL!”

And . . . I just noticed this remarkable planetary combination!

Actually, I had a sneaking suspicion that Mercury turned to go direct today, from its usual, thrice-yearly, three week retrograde period, and yes, it did! But wow: an even bigger turn was that made by Saturn, since its cycle is longer, and thus its retrograde periods (which do not last quite as long as its direct motion periods), more rare. Then there’s the fact that they are both turning on the same day, not sure how rare that is.

Turning points for any planet throw special emphasis on the symbolism of that planet on that day. So here we have one, Mercury, moving from backwards to forwards, and thus, helping us move forward in our understanding of what is going on, whether it be personal, interpersonal, group, political, etc. We’ve been “processing” information received already for the past three weeks, and now it’s time to move on. Hopefully, we’ve integrated whatever we’ve come to understand.

Saturn, stern planet of goals, structures, discipline, cause and effects, etc. is turning to head in the opposite direction. Whatever goals, objectives, plans etc that we set in motion during its direct period, from mid-October 2021 until now, will remain, but not develop further for nearly five months, until October 23, 2022.

Now for the real kicker: these planets, Mercury at 26°05 Taurus, and Saturn at 25°15 Aquarius, are doing so while being almost exactly square one another, i.e., in a frictional relationship. How rare is that? Again, mighty rare.

Mercury in Taurus, turning to go direct, is ready to ground ideas, which have been processed for the past three weeks, into real world manifestation.

Saturn in Aquarius, turning to go retrograde, is calling a halt to further development of goals, until the existing situation can be mentally integrated. And that’s going to take until near the end of October.

The first, Mercury, normally an airy, mental planet, in Taurus, is communicating in an earthy, realistic manner.

The second Saturn, normally more comfortable in real-world situations, in Aquarius needs to mentally envisage new structures in the real world, but can’t until it’s processed what it’s already planned.

I need to look at this situation here, in Green Acres Permaculture Village, with how it applies to the large project of building a platform upon which a 12-foot diameter yurt is then constructed. (See this morning’s post.)

(And see these two posts, which detail prior yurt prep: this and this.)

Hopefully, we can continue to follow through with what we’ve envisaged so far, but make no big plans further until after October 23. Plus, we will need to be very clear in our Mercury communication with each other as to what happens when, since we’re not just dealing with airy ideas, but with earthy, Taurus decisions on the actual size of the platform, and how best to orchestrate the communication and construction of both platform and yurt.

Here’s the yurt right now, on the front porch . . .

And for a final statement of extreme rareness, wouldn’t you know, my own Moon at 23° Taurus sits within two degrees of today’s stationary Mercury, and like Mercury, it squares stationary Saturn, within three degrees of exactness!

Synchronicities, delivered by planetary co-incidences, present exquisite divine timing for us mortals here on planet Earth. If we take such synchronicities to heart, they make us feel utterly safe inside the great mystery.

Given how today’s transits stimulate my natal Moon, there is no way that I, personally, could have ignored what’s going on today in the skies!

Indeed, this entire yurt project feels intensely personal! It reminds me of my own inner child’s emotional need for grounding, and it brings back fond memories of two decades dwelling in a 20-foot diameter yurt in the Wyoming Tetons, prior to moving to Indiana.

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